“This was for the best,” Mac said. “That way if he contacts you again or sees you in person, you can call the police. They should be contacting him right now to tell him what's going on.”

She nodded her head, but it still didn't feel fully right. And Janie couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because when they had first met he was nothing like this. He had been sweet and caring.

“Do you want to go get ice cream?” Mac asked.

Janie looked at him and gave him a big smile. “Yes, thank you, Mac.”


Her cheeks went red and she briefly looked down at the ground before looking back at him. “Thank you, Daddy.”

It felt good to call him that. It felt natural and like it belonged. Maybe because it did. Maybe she should have talkedto him about her fears and all before. Then they could have been together for longer.

“I love hearing you call me Daddy. Makes my heart so happy,” Mac said as they walked towards the ice cream place.

Everything was close together in the town. They would probably see Charlotte when they walked by the bakery she worked at. It was neat to have everything so close because it was within walking distance. The only problem was getting to the town first.

“What type of ice cream does Ellie want?” Daddy asked.

“Chocolate,” she replied. “I can share with her.”

“Are you sure?”

Janie nodded her head. “She doesn’t eat a lot anyways. Don’t want any to go to waste.”

“You go sit down and I’ll come with the ice cream.”

“Kay, Daddy!” She beamed at him before she walked towards a seat with Eleanor in her arms.

Daddy had been with her every step of the way when the police officers were talking to her. She thought he wouldn't be able to, but the police officers didn’t bat an eye when Daddy said he was going to be with her. Maybe Jaxson had called earlier to say they were coming by and to let Daddy be with her?

Who knows and Janie didn’t really care right now. Things had gone well and now they were getting ice cream. Something she had wanted for a while now.

“Daddy is so good to us,” Janie said to Eleanor. “He’s making sure we’re comfortable and taken care of.”

“Macie!” she yelled.

Janie looked over and saw Daddy walking towards them, two cups in his hands. He looked so handsome walking towards them. She couldn’t believe that he was her Daddy.

“Here we go,” Daddy said as he placed a bowl in front of her.

Eleanor went to grab it, but Janie quickly pulled it away. Big tears filled Ellie’s eyes but before anything could happen, Daddy had her in his arms.

“You’re okay,” he whispered. “Everything is okay. Mama is going to feed you the ice cream.” Daddy sat down right next to her and she gave a small spoonful to Eleanor.

“Thank you for grabbing two spoons for us,” Janie said. She was used to sharing things with Eleanor and didn’t mind, but Eleanor could be a slobbery mess and she didn’t want that in the ice cream.

“I figured you would want a different one for her. Do you want me to grab a small bowl to put some of hers in?”

“No, thank you. She won't be eating much anyways. But thank you, Daddy.”

He gave her a big smile that melted her heart. It had been different since she said they were together earlier. The air had shifted between them in a good way.

“Daddy, this is sooooo good!” Janie said as she took another mouthful.

She turned her head and made eye contact with a lady. Her head went down, cheeks started to get warm as she had been caught. Janie had gotten so comfortable that she had forgotten where they were. How could she be so careless?

A warm hand landed on her cheek and brought her head up. Daddy was giving her a small smile. “I don’t care about what other people think. If you want to call me Daddy in public, you can. It won’t bother me.”