“Okay, so I totally could have asked you that over text, but I really just wanted to talk to you about Mac. How is it going?” Hedda asked.

Janie was not expecting that. She had honestly thought that Hedda wanted to talk about the sleepover and hanging out. It hadn't even crossed her mind that Hedda would want to talk about Mac and her.

“So?” Hedda said. “Has anything happened?”

She shrugged her shoulders. Sure, things had happened, but she didn't really want to tell people about that. “We're not together. Or still kind of talking, though I told him we weren’t going to get together.”

“Why did you say that?” Hedda asked.

Janie shrugged her shoulders again. Because she had baggage and had a kid. Because she had an ex-husband who was threatening her. But nobody knew that.

“I say go for it. You only get one life and I know you have feelings for Mac. And Mac definitely has feelings for you and Eleanor.”

“I have an ex-husband and a kid,” Janie said.

“So what. Does your ex-husband have rights to your kid?”

“No, he waved all rights when we got the divorce. He wants nothing to do with Eleanor.”

“I still say go for it with Mac. The way he looks at you and Eleanor, you two are his world. The way he interacts with Eleanor, it's like she's his own kid. You don't find that a lot in guys,” Hedda said. “Just take ten seconds of courage and tell him that you want to try. But only do that if it's truly what you want.”

The fact that Hedda saw Mac interact with Eleanor like that just confirmed what he said. But, she was still nervous. It could all be an act and she didn't want to rush into anything. Yet, she had known Mac for years and was comfortable with him.

Janie nodded her head. Maybe she should just put away her fear and tell him she'll give it a try. Lay down some rules, that if he doesn't want Eleanor anymore, that it's not going to work out. Eleanor was her daughter and will always be her daughter.

“Tell him your worries and why you're scared of committing,” Hedda said. “He'll try and understand and help you out with it. He's not going to make fun of you. If anything he'll be happy you told him.”

She nodded her head once again, agreeing with Hedda. Mac had told her he would be there for her, judgment free. It was hard to believe but maybe she could trust him on that. Trust him that he was going to be judgment free and help her out.

“Well, I'll let you get back to work. Definitely text me when you're free and want to hang out. Better yet, just send it in the group chat and we'll see who is available that day,” Hedda said as she gave her a hug. “We're doing this even if I have to kidnap you.”

Janie chuckled. “All right. So, I don't think it's going to get to where you have to kidnap me. I love hanging out with you guys.”

“And we love having you with us, in all your pink glory.”

Her cheeks started to turn red. She couldn't help that her favorite color was pink and she wanted to wear it every single day. It didn't matter. She always found a way to wear pink. If it was in her hair, her shirt, her pants, her shoes, socks, bra, underwear, bracelets or even her fingernails. She was always wearing some type of pink.

“I'll see you later,” Janie said as she started walking back towards Mac’s office.

It was nice to get away from his office for a little bit. She had thought she would avoid all conversation about Mac, but that didn't happen. It seemed like her life was now revolving around him and it didn't seem so bad.

Maybe she should take Hedda’s advice and take ten seconds of courage and tell him her worries about everything. She knew he would listen to her and give his whole attention. She wasn't worried about that. Janie was worried about how he would react. Would he be calm?

Janie slowly opened the door to his office and walked in. Mac was sitting on the couch, with Eleanor in his lap. Her head was resting on his chest and she absolutely loved the sight. Janie had never seen Eleanor so comfortable around a guy.

Granted, Eleanor hadn't been around too many males other than her brother-in-law. While Eleanor did like her brother-in-law, she wasn't as comfortable with him as she was with Mac. It was so weird to watch. Janie never thought that Eleanor would be comfortable and relaxed around anyone but her.

She continued to look at both of them, taking the sight in. Part of her wished that she could do the same thing. Snuggle up to his side and just relax. It sounded like heaven and she wanted that right now. She wanted to be comfortable and relaxed.

Mac’s head turned towards her and he didn't look happy. She faltered in her steps and stopped. What was wrong? Had he finally decided that he didn't want them? Was she too late?

So many things were running through her head and she didn't know what was going on.

“Is everything okay?” She whispered in a shaky voice. She hoped and prayed that he would say everything was okay and he was just in a bad mood. That had nothing to do with her or Eleanor.

Mac sighed and placed her phone down on the couch. Crap. Her phone. What had he seen?

“Why didn’t you tell me about your ex-husband?” He asked.