“I want to,” she whispered.
His eyebrows raised as she said those words. Normally, she told him she would think about it if he brought up them being together or would say no. But this was different. She wanted to.
“What's holding you back?” He asked. He could figure that baggage was going to be one of her answers. She seemed to think that she was the only person that had baggage in her life but that wasn't true. Everyone had some type of trauma in their life that scarred them.
“I have so many things going on in my life, so many things that have gone wrong and have left me scarred,” she softly said. “And my ex-husband.”
He sighed. Mac did not think that her ex-husband was going to be brought up. He figured that everything was going to go back to normal after he kicked her out of his house. But he was wrong.
“What do you mean your ex-husband? What does he have to do with holding you back?” He asked. He didn't think that she was thinking about getting back with him. She showed obvious distaste for him whenever she talked about him or saw him.
Janie didn't answer his question and he knew she wasn't going to. Maybe it was a slip of a tongue about her mentioning Donald. Was that who was messaging her? What could he possibly want?
She leaned her head against his shoulder. He stayed still so that she could get comfortable. It wasn't often that she did this and he wanted to relish it.
“No matter what it is, I'll always love you and want to be in your life. I want to be in both of your lives,” he gently said. “I'll be patient even if it takes most of our lives. You're it for me. You and Eleanor are what I want.”
Janie stayed silent as she rested her head on his shoulder. He had no doubt that she would probably fall asleep very soon. She needed a nap anyways and he wasn't going to say anything.
“Just promise me that you won't take me out of yours and Eleanor’s lives.”
It had been a day since Mac told her that he wanted to be with her again. That he thought of Eleanor as his own. It had shocked her and she didn't know what to say at that moment and still didn't. Everything was becoming even more real as he continued to confess his love and his want for her.
They were back in his office, trying to get work done. She desperately needed her office back or some type of office with her whole setup. It was harder and harder to get work done while Mac was in the room. Her mind was constantly on him and not work.
“I need to go talk to Hedda,” Janie said as she got up from the couch. “Can I leave Eleanor here or should I take her with me?”
Mac looked up from his computer and gave her a smile. “You can leave her here. I'll watch over her..”
“Thank you,” she said.
Janie placed her phone down next to her computer and walked out of his office. She didn't need her phone and Mac could easily find her in the club. And if he couldn't, he would text the guys and they could easily find her.
She walked down the hallway and towards the main room. Hedda had texted her asking if she could come talk to her. It was probably about a sleepover or hanging out since they wanted to do that soon.
“Hey girl,” Hedda said.
“How are you?” Janie asked.
“I just got my butt spanked.”
Janie cracked a smile and chuckled. When was Hedda not getting spanked or in some type of punishment? From what she had observed, Hedda loved to rile things up.
“So, when are you free to hang out?” Hedda asked. “I've been dying to hang out with you. You can even bring Eleanor with you if you want. She's so cute.”
“Maybe next week? I've got a little bit of work to catch up on but I'm almost there,” Janie replied.
“You let me know and we'll make it happen. I'm not busy at all.”
“Will anybody else be coming or will it just be us?”
“We can invite some of the other girls. We can also invite Kyle and Tucker, as well. I've only hung out with them a couple of times, but it's been fun.”
Janie nodded her head. She had hung out with all of them several times and they were all great. Tucker was more of a middle like Hedda but Janie wasn't sure. Sometimes he acted way younger and she hadn't asked him.