“No,” she replied. “I don’t want you back.”
Janie saw the way he clenched his jaw. He was getting mad. Towards the end of their marriage, he would get frustrated and slightly mad, but nothing serious. This was different.
“I want to work through this,” he calmly said after he took a breath in. “I shouldn’t have cheated on you and I’m sorry for that.”
She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to work through this. I don’t want you. You need to leave me alone.”
He narrowed his eyes at her and she held her breath. What was he going to do?
“No!” he raised his voice. “We’re going to work through things!”
Janie started to get uncomfortable. She didn’t have the door open wide, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to close it and lock it before he tried to get in. She wasn’t fast enough.
“We’re going to have a conversation and get back together!” he yelled. “I don’t care what you want. We’re going to do it.”
“Please, just leave,” she gently said. She didn’t want to anger him any more or make things worse.
Mac pulled into his driveway and got out of his car. She looked over in his direction, hoping he would look over.
“I won’t fucking leave!” he yelled.
She watched as Mac turned around and stared at them. She gave him a pleading look and he started to walk over.
“Are you whoring around?” Donald yelled as he looked over at Mac. “Is that why you don’t want to get back together with me? You’re sleeping with our fucking neighbor?”
“Just stop. Please leave,” she said as she turned her attention back to him. Why didn’t he get the hint that she didn’t want anything to do with him?
“I’m not fucking leaving until you answer my questions and we talk things through.”
“Janie asked you to leave,” Mac said. “So leave. She wants nothing to do with you.”
Donald turned around and glared at Mac. They stared at each other for several seconds and all Janie hoped was they wouldn’t get into a fight. Mac would win, but she didn’t want him to get in trouble.
“I won’t fucking leave,” he said. “I’m talking to my wife.”
“Ex-wife,” Mac replied. “You’ve been divorced for over a year. She isn’t your wife anymore and she won’t be your wife.”
Mac had moved so he was closer to Janie and she was grateful. He would block Donald from getting closer to her.
Donald turned towards her and pointed a finger. “You’ve been whoring around with him! I was being gracious and letting you get back together with me.”
Her mouth hung open as she stared at him. He was being gracious and letting her get back with him? That was a joke.
“Leave or I’ll call the cops,” Mac said. “And if I see you here again, I’ll call them. Janie doesn’t want you here.”
Donald glared at Mac before he spat on the ground and walked away. Janie sagged against the door and took severaldeep breaths. She hadn’t even realized that her heart was going like a freight train.
“You’re okay,” Mac said as he turned toward her. “Everything is okay.”
She closed her eyes. What would she have done if he didn’t come home in time? Would she have been able to get rid of Donald by herself? Janie didn’t bring her phone with her so she wouldn’t have had a way to call the cops or anything.
“Are you okay now?” he asked.
She nodded her head and looked at him. “Thank you.” Janie stood back up and started to close the door, but Mac stopped her. He raised one of his eyebrows at her.
“Are you okay? Don’t lie to me. You know I don’t like lies,” he said.
She sighed. “I’ll be okay.”