“If you need anything, you let me know.”

She nodded her head. “Thank you again.” Janie closed the door and leaned her head up against it. What a mess.



Eleanor and Janie were currently playing with blocks, building and demolishing whatever they made. It was a fun time since Janie could be partially Little right now.

“Mama,” Eleanor said as she pointed towards a block.

“Blockie!” Janie giggled and placed another block on top.

She didn’t always play with Eleanor while she was feeling Little, but it was Saturday which meant she didn’t have to work. Sure, she could use it to get ahead since she had fallen behind a little, but both of them needed to relax and get better.

Eleanor was still under the weather. Her fever hadn’t come back as bad, but she still had a fever in the evenings and got fussy. Janie was still exhausted and didn’t want to do much, especially work.

When she had first started editing, she told herself she wasn’t going to work on weekends unless she absolutely had to. She had stayed true to her rule and took the weekend to relax. Janie didn’t want to burn out and have to push through editing or take time off. That wouldn’t be fair to her authors. So she paced herself and had rules of no work on the weekend unless absolutely necessary.

Janie’s phone went off again and she sighed. It had been going off for the past five minutes and she didn’t know who it was. Okay, she did but she didn’t want to look at it. She had different ringtones for different people so she could identify who it was.

Her ex-husband was currently texting her nonstop. She thought he would have gotten the hint yesterday when she said, and Mac had also said, something. But he hadn’t. If anything, he was texting her more and more.

She sighed and pushed herself off of the ground. Grabbing her phone on the coffee table, she started to read the texts.


I still want to get together with you.


We could be happy together. Just you and I.

But he didn’t mention Eleanor. He never mentioned Eleanor, even yesterday. It was always “I want to be with you.” not “both of you”.


I made a mistake and I’m willing to take you back.


We can work through this and have everything like it was before. We’ll both be happy together.


We can get rid of the brat. Put her up for adoption and it can just be the two of us. Like it should have been.

Tears started to form in her eyes. How could he say that about his own daughter?

Janie turned to Eleanor who was still playing with the blocks. “Mama will be right back,” she said and headed towards the kitchen.

She sat down on the ground and pulled her knees up to her chest. Why was he doing this? Couldn’t he get the hint that she didn’t want anything to do with him? She had told him several times while they were together that she wanted kids. Even when she was pregnant, she was overjoyed but he stayed away.

Didn’t he know that she wanted Eleanor and she wasn’t going to get rid of her? It hurt her heart to know that he just wanted to get rid of their baby so easily. What made him hate kids so much? It made no sense to her.

Tears streamed down her face as her phone went off again. She had tried blocking him but he just got a new number and texted her again. Could she file an order of protection off of this? Would that stop him from texting her? She had no idea what restraining orders entailed.
