She snuggled into his embrace as he held both of them. Her whole body started to shake as she thought about everything that had just happened. She could have lost the two most important people and her life. Donald could have shot them and she wouldn't know what to do with herself if they were gone.

“Don't think about it,” Daddy said. "Don't think about the what ifs.”

She was no doubt crashing from the adrenaline rush she had before. Janie had been in intense situations and she normally didn’t crash for several hours but this was different. Daddy was with her and she didn’t have him before. She knew she was safe, that both of them were.

“Are you okay?” A female voice broke through.

“Please, step back and give her space,” Daddy said. “She needs to be left alone.”

Janie was grateful that Daddy was taking care of everything going on around them. She didn’t know if she had the mental strength to do that right now.

“Were you hurt?” Daddy asked.

She shook her head. “Eleanor needs to get checked over.”

“There’s an ambulance here and they can check both of you over.”

“I don’t need it, Daddy. I didn’t get hurt at all. Eleanor was the only one who got hurt.”

“You both are getting checked out. End of discussion.”

Janie sighed and snuggled into his side again. There was no use in arguing with him. He was going to make her get checked out no matter what.

“Let’s go get you two checked out,” Daddy said.

All of them walked towards the paramedics. She really didn’t need to get checked out, her baby did. They stood in front of the paramedics and waited for them to start looking over them.

“I just need you to check out my daughter, Eleanor,” Janie said. “She was the one who was thrown onto the ground.”

“She is also getting checked out,” Daddy said.

She turned towards him and glared. “Daddy. I don’t need to get checked out. I didn’t get hurt.”

“End of discussion. you're getting checked out no matter what.”

She glared at him again and turned towards the paramedics. She could see the amusement in their eyes as they watched her and her Daddy talk about things. It was dumb. Janie really didn't need to get checked out because nothing happened to her.

“What are you laughing at?” she said.

“Nothing, Ma’am,” the younger one said.

“Can you look over my daughter?”

The older paramedic nodded and started to look over Eleanor, taking her temperature, listening to her heart, and more.

“Can you tell me what happened?” he asked.

“She was in my arms and got ripped out and thrown onto the ground,” Janie said.

“Well, everything looks and sounds okay. She may bruise up. If anything gets worse, take her to the ER.”


Janie turned around, ready to walk towards the exit when Daddy stepped right in front of her. He took Eleanor from her arms.

“Hey! You can’t do that!” Janie said.

“I just did. She’s my daughter, as well. You’re getting checked out,” Daddy said.