“You're not getting away from me,” Donald said, his voice raising.
“I have an order of protection against you. You can't be this close to me or talk to me,” she said through a shaky voice. She was so scared that something was going to happen and Daddy wouldn't be able to get to her in time. There was nobody around them, nobody to save her if anything went wrong.
“I don’t fucking care about some stupid ass sheet of a paper,” Donald yelled. “You’re mine and you’re coming with me.”
She shook her head. She wasn’t going anywhere with Donald. Janie took a step to the side, but Donald followed her.
“You aren’t getting away from me that easily,” Donald screamed. Janie hoped that with him making so much noise, people would come check on her and see what was happening. “Let the brat go and come with me.”
“No,” Janie said.
“Go find a manager,” Daddy said. “Find someone.”
Janie took a step back, trying to put some distance between them. Maybe she could make a dash for it the other way and find somebody. But what she didn't expect was to hit a wall. She turned her head slightly and realized that she had backed herself into a corner and there was nowhere to go.
Donald took a step forward, a wicked smile broke out on his face. “You have nowhere to go.”
Tears filled her eyes as she realized she didn't have anywhere to go and she couldn't find anybody. Not that she had been looking hard because she wanted to keep her eyes on donald. What if he lunged at her and she wasn't paying attention? She needed to pay attention to him.
Before she realized what was happening, Eleanor was being ripped from her arms and both of them without a scream. The phone she had in her hand went flying as she watched Eleanor hit the ground, crying and screaming.
“Please, just let us be,” Janie said. “You aren't supposed to be near us. I have an order of protection against you.”
He shook his head and smiled at her. “You are coming with me. We will leave the brat here. Somebody will take pity on her and take her home but we aren't.”
She shook her head. “I'm not going with you.”
Donald drew out a gun and pointed it right at her. “You can either come willingly or I'll shoot you and you can come.”
Tears filled her eyes. She didn't want to go with him but she didn't want to get shot.
“Better yet. You willingly come with me or I'm going to shoot her,” he said as he pointed the gun at Eleanor who was still crying on the floor.
Out of the corner of Janie's eye, she saw a man slowly walk behind Donald. Her eyes went wide as he got closer. But before he could do anything, a roar was heard and Daddy jumped in front of her.
Janie gripped onto his shirt as the tears spilled over. He had made it to her.
“Leave her alone,” Daddy said. “The police are right behind me. You aren't getting away.”
“Well, better yet that you're here. That means I can just kill you and take her with me,” Donald said. "I don't see or hear any police. You are a lying bastard.”
“I’m not,” Daddy said. “They're here, they just didn't want you to hear their sirens.”
“I'm not going anywhere. Janie belongs to me and I'm not leaving without her. She's destined to be with me and she always has.”
Janie grips tighter onto his shirt. She had no clue what he was talking about. They weren't destined to be together. They were destined to be apart. Donald pointed the gun at Daddy this time and she watched as his finger twitched.
“You either get out of my way or I'll shoot you,” Donald said.
But before anything could happen, the guy that had been creeping up on Donald tackled him to the ground. Before her eyes she watched as he disarmed him very quickly, throwing the gun towards the police.
Janie hadn't realized when the police had gotten into the store. Why didn't they tackle him sooner? Or Why hadn't they shot him in the leg to get him down?
Tears streamed down her face even faster as everything came laying down on her. She could have almost died. Eleanor could have almost died and so could have Daddy. She wasn't ready for any of them to die.
Janie let go of Daddy's shirt and ran towards Eleanor who was still on the ground. She held Eleanor close as she picked her up. It hurt her heart to see her daughter getting thrown onto the floor. No Doubt she was going to have bruises all over her skin.
“Everything is okay,” Daddy whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. "Daddy is right here and nothing is going to happen.”