Charlotte had been worried though. She had never explored that younger age because she didn’t have anyone to take care of her in that vulnerable state. She didn’t know if she would like it, and that’s why Finn was there. To let her explore it while he took care of her.
He absolutely loved it.
“Charlie,” he whispered as he put his hand on her back and gently rubbed it. “It’s time to wake up.”
She whined and buried her head into her pillow more.
“Come on, little one. You need to wake up, or you won’t sleep tonight,” Finn said.
“Nooo,” she drawled out and tried to get away from his hand.
Finn gently picked her up out of the crib and held her against him. He slowly started to rub her back and rock her at the same time.
“Come on, little cupcake. It's time to wake up.”
She nestled her head into his shoulder, but he was quick to move her so she couldn't. He didn't want her to fall back asleep since she still had to sleep tonight. Finn also wanted to talk to her about fully moving in, and he needed her fully awake for that.
“Cupcake, I need you to wake up so that we can have a discussion.”
Charlotte blinked her eyes open and looked up at Finn. He could tell that she was still tired, but he knew that if he let her sleep anymore, she wouldn't fall asleep again. He wanted her beauty sleep, but he also wanted Charlotte to sleep through the night.
She needed all the sleep she could get since she had to wake up so early and work. Finn didn't realize how close of an eye he was going to have to keep on Charlotte, but after she spent a couple days with him, he knew.
Health wasn't a huge priority for her, but it was for him. He wanted her to be at her best, to be the best version of herself, and he was determined. He wanted her to be healthy and thriving in life.
“Daddy?” Charlotte whispered.
Finn smiled at her and gently set her on the ground. He held on to her waist in case she felt dizzy or her legs gave out. She had just woken up, and he didn't want her to get hurt.
“Daddy has some food, and then we can talk,” he said.
Charlotte grabbed his hand, and Finn let her out of the nursery and to the kitchen. He had a little snack for her already on the kitchen counter. Apples and peanut butter because that was her new favorite thing right now, and it was healthy. Finn didn't think that she would like it so much but was super happy when she did.
“What do we need to talk about?” Charlotte asked as Finn helped her onto a chair.
For the past several days, Charlotte had liked to eat on Finn's lap, but right now, he needed her to focus while they had this conversation. He didn't want her to not hear something he said because she got turned on.
“Eat this, and I'll tell you,” he said.
Finn waited for Charlotte to take a couple bites of her apples and peanut butter before he started to talk. He wanted to make sure that she was actually going to eat because he had a feeling once he said what they were going to talk about that she wasn't going to want to talk anymore.
He watched as she took several more bites.
“Such a good girl for Daddy.”
Charlotte beamed up at him when he said that, and he couldn't help but smile. She was a good girl when she wanted to be, but when she wanted to be naughty, she was naughty. Charlotte had landed herself several spankings for putting herself in danger, not following his rules, and throwing temper tantrums.
Finn didn't necessarily like punishing her, but he knew that when she disobeyed, he was going to give her a punishment. She needed to learn that if she acted out, there were going to be consequences.
He wanted her to know that somebody cared for her, and that's why he had these rules. He didn't just have rules to spank her when she disobeyed. He made these rules so that she was safe, she felt loved, and knew that somebody was there to look out for her. Sometimes Finn got a vibe that not many people looked out for Charlotte's and he wanted to be there for her.
He wanted to be there for her because he loved her.
Finn's whole body froze at that thought. He loved her and there's no doubt about it. Was it too soon to tell Charlotte that he loved her?
He didn't want to scare her, but he also didn't want to wait a long time and it be too late.
“What did you want to talk about, Daddy?” Charlotte asked as she took another bite of her apples and peanut butter.