She shook her head. Charlotte didn’t want to leave Finn right now. Everything looked fun, but she didn’t want to go and meet new people. All the confidence she had before went away as she sat with Jaxson and her Daddy.

“Do you want to go and get your face painted?” he asked.

“No, I’m otay here,” she whispered.

“Okay. Do you want another juice box?”

Charlotte nodded her head quickly and made grabby hands. Both men smiled, and Finn handed her another juice box. She happily drank while Jaxson and Finn talked.

“She’s so cute,” Jaxson said.

“She really is.” Finn looked at Charlotte.

Time had passed as Jaxson and Finn talked, Charlotte happily swinging her legs and drinking juice. She started feeling her eyes droop, and she knew she needed to go to bed. Tomorrow morning was going to be a killer if she didn’t.

“Dadddyyy,” Charlotte whispered loudly.

“Yes, Charlie?” Finn looked at her.

“Come cwoser.” She beckoned him toward her.

Finn looked at Jaxson before he leaned closer to Charlotte.

“I is tired,” she whined. “Sweepy.”

Finn stood to his whole height and looked at Jaxson. “Could you drive her car home while I drive her in mine?”

“Sure thing. I’ve got nothing better to do. We’re overstaffed anyways, so two of us leaving won’t matter,” Jaxson said.

Finn turned back toward Charlotte and bent down to her height.

“I’m going to drive you home, and Jaxson is going to drive your car,” he said.

Charlotte went to protest, but Finn placed his hands on her mouth before she could.

“You’re really tired and little right now. Little girls don’t drive.” He grabbed her hand.

Finn led her out of the club and to his car after he gave Charlotte’s keys to Jaxson. It took a little while for Finn to get Charlotte’s address out of her, but once she was happily situated in his car, she complied.

“I sweep,” she whispered.

“No, no, no,” Finn said. “You need to stay awake for me, baby girl. Play with my fingers to stay awake.”

Finn placed his hand in hers as he drove, but Charlotte didn’t grab his right away.

“Charlie,” Finn sang her name.

She looked over at him and grabbed his hand. Charlotte just wanted to sleep, but deep down, she knew that she needed to stay awake. Daddy had asked her to, and she was trying her hardest to.

“We’re almost there,” he said.

“Sleeeeeep!” Charlotte whined.

“We’re here. Can I have your keys to help you get inside?” Finn asked.

That pulled Charlotte right out of being little. She didn’t want him to see her place. It was a mess, and she had a couple other bills that were overdo on her kitchen table. She didn’t want him to see those at all.

“It’s okay. I’ve got it from here,” Charlotte mumbled.