“I’m really fine walking you in and tucking you into bed,” he said.

“I’ve got it.” She took a deep breath in. “I-I’m not ready for you to see inside yet.”

Finn nodded his head. “That’s okay. Text me when you go to bed. I’ll stay out here until you go inside.”

Charlotte unbuckled herself and got out of the car. She turned around and looked at Finn.

“Thank you. I really enjoyed tonight,” she whispered.

“I really enjoyed tonight as well. I’ll see you later?” he asked.

Charlotte nodded her head and walked away from the car. She didn’t bother to close the door because Jaxson was walking up to her.

“Here’s your keys,” he said as he handed them to her. “Have a good night.”

“You too,” she said.

Charlotte walked to her front door and unlocked it. She turned around and waved to Finn before she walked into her messy house. She really needed to clean her house.

She let out a sigh and walked to her room, brushed her teeth, and got into bed.



Charlotte set her alarm, plugged her phone in before she closed her eyes, and fell asleep.



Charlotte had woken up in a panic. She had slept through her alarm and was late for work. Or, well, that was what she woke up and thought. She had completely forgotten that today was her day off. Her day off from the bakery and her last day before she started her new job.

Charlotte knew what she had to do on her day off, but she didn't want to. She needed to clean her house, see if she could sell anything that she didn’t use, and try to get some good sleep before working two jobs.

She also had Finn on her mind. Since last night, Charlotte had him constantly on her mind. She wanted to become his baby girl, and she thought she might tell him that today. It was something she had given thought to, and she loved it last night.

She didn’t know where she was going to sell things, if she could even find anything to sell. Charlotte wasn’t good with these things, and she knew it. She didn’t want to part with anything in her house because everything had a meaning to it.

Well, almost everything had a meaning to it. The stuff she had bought while she was in little space wasn’t as meaningful. They were mostly stuffies, and she couldn’t sell them. They would be all alone out in the world when they could stay with her.

Maybe it was time for Charlotte to make hard decisions and get rid of some of them that she couldn’t have anymore. Find them new homes with other littles or little kids. An idea popped into her head.

The club had a little shop where they take stuffies that littles don’t want anymore, pay them a little money, and then sell it to other littles who want them. She could take some of them and give it to the club so other littles there could find their stuffies.

It would break Charlotte’s heart to give them to the club, but she didn’t know what else to do. She had gotten rid of her cable and unplugged her TV so she wouldn’t be able to turn it on and get the basic channels.

She was also hoping that it would help cut down on the cost of her electric bill. Charlotte was hoping and praying for that because she didn’t know what else to do.

Charlotte was bad at managing things and seeing where money was going. She knew once she started to work her second job that she would be busy and too tired when she got home. She didn’t look forward to that.

She got up from her seat at the table and went over to her spare room where she kept all of her stuffies. It was her playroom when she wanted somewhere ‘safe’ to go. Charlotte knew that her whole house was safe, but there was something about having one room that made it special and feel extra safe.

The room was full of stuffies when Charlotte walked in. Her heart had already started to break, but as she looked at them, her heart broke even more.

Charlotte slowly went through all of them, and she put several in a corner to give to the club. She didn’t get rid of a lot, but this was a start for her. Maybe in a couple of days she could find more to give to the club and earn some money. Charlotte knew every penny counted right now.

She sighed, grabbed the trash bag, and stuffed all the stuffies into it. Charlotte didn’t want to see them as she drove to the club. She knew if she saw them looking at her she wouldn’t be able to bring them in.