Awhole day had passed since Finn had last seen Charlotte. He didn’t like going this long without seeing her, but right now, he couldn’t do anything about it. Finn didn’t want to push Charlotte into becoming his baby girl.
He could see every time they talked and hung out that she didn’t want to leave, but he was waiting for Charlotte to say that. He was waiting for her to tell him that she wanted to be his baby girl.
Finn had mentioned it a couple of times, and each time, Charlotte said she needed to think about it. That it was a huge commitment, and she was right. It wasn’t something he wanted her to just think about for thirty seconds and decide.
Granted, if she wanted to try being his baby girl and after a week realized that she didn’t like it or him, she was free to leave. Would it hurt Finn to let her go? Absolutely, but he would do it.
Finn didn’t want to force her into anything or keep her from leaving, even if it hurt a lot and went against everything in his body and mind. But he was hoping that once she said yes, she would realize how perfect they were together.
He had hoped that having her come to littles’ night would show her that. Before they would walk into the big room, he wanted to ask her if, for tonight, they could try out being in the dynamic to see if she would even like it.
Finn so badly wanted to show her what it would be like to have him as a Daddy. If she said yes, tonight wouldn’t show exactly how he would be, but it would give an idea. He had also thought about asking her if she wanted to come to his house for a weekend to see if she would like it and want to go from there.But he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. He had heard of some Doms pressuring subs into doing things for or with them, and he didn’t want that. Finn didn’t want to coerce her into anything, so he had kept a lot to himself.
He hoped that Charlotte would agree to tonight and be able to see if this was something that would interest her further. He knew she was a little, that was obvious, but he didn’t know for sure if she was looking for a Daddy.
She hadn’t told him that, and he didn’t want to assume. All Charlotte told him was that she was interested in getting to know him more. That didn’t give any insight on if she thought he was a potential Daddy or not.
For all Finn knew, Charlotte might just be looking for a boyfriend and not a Daddy. He didn’t know if he could do that. Being a Daddy was in his bones, and only being a boyfriend would be hard. Half of himself would be missing from the relationship.
He really needed to get this cleared up before it was too late.
Finn had only seen Charlotte’s little side twice so far. The first time when she was in the club the night they met and the second time when she tripped and fell at the bakery. When they met, she was in little space longer, and when she tripped at work, she slipped into little space, but she didn’t stay there long.
He couldn’t blame her for pulling out of little space quickly. She was at work, and Finn didn’t know if her boss knew she was little or not. He wanted to encourage her to continue to be in little space, but with her boss coming in, he didn’t want to risk exposing her when she hadn’t told him.
Finn wanted to see and interact with her more while she was little. He found that side of her adorable. Well, he found her adorable in any situation, but when she was little, it was precious.
Finn got up from his chair in his office and started to walk around. Charlotte had texted him this morning that she would get to the club herself and that he didn’t need to pick her up.
He had insisted he pick her up so she didn’t have to drive back after an exhausting but fun night, but she declined. Maybe she didn’t want him to know where she lived. That was okay with him. Well, he wanted to know where she lived, so if something happened, he could go to her, but he understood why.
She was single, and he was a male. Finn was glad she told him no because that meant she was being safe. If that was her reasoning. Charlotte could honestly not want him to drive her because she wanted to be independent.
Finn didn’t know, and he wouldn’t know unless he asked. But he didn’t know if he was going to ask; he probably wouldn’t. He wanted tonight to be fun and enjoyable, not an interrogation. He could ask another day when it wasn’t littles’ night.
Finn’s phone buzzed right as Mac walked into his office. The event was supposed to start soon, and he was hoping the notification was Charlotte telling him she was here.
But it wasn’t.
I’m going to be running a couple of minutes late. I’ll text you when I get there.
Finn let out a sigh and sat down on the couch. He was nervous about tonight, and he couldn’t hide it. This night wasn’t just catered toward Charlotte, but he wanted it to be special. He wanted to make her feel special.
“Why the sigh? Did Charlotte turn you down?” Mac asked as he sat down next to Finn. “How is she doing, by the way? Did she get hurt from the fall she took yesterday?”
Finn loved that Mac was worried and wanted to check up on Charlotte, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. He knew Mac wouldn’t do anything because he was already interested, and Mac could see that.
“Charlotte said she was going to be a little late. I’m just worried,” Finn said.
This late in life, Finn knew not to bottle everything up. He could trust the other eight guys who owned and worked with him. They had all known each other for years and decided to do this together, and it worked.
It was a struggle in the beginning because all of them wanted to make it perfect and would go into someone else's lane and try to change things. They learned quickly that they were all good at something, and they stuck to their thing unless someone else approached them for help.
Ever since then, they’d worked well, and the club has been thriving. But through that whole process, Finn figured out not to bottle everything up but to confide in someone. It helped his stress levels, and it also made his life so much easier.
“Did she say she wasn’t coming?” Mac asked.