Finn shook his head. “She said she would text me when she got here.”

“There you go. She’s coming, but she’s going to be a couple of minutes late. She could’ve lost track of time picking out an outfit. You know how littles are when they are picking clothes out for themselves. It can take hours.”

Finn groaned and nodded his head. That was very true. One time, they had a dress up party for the littles in the club, and it was mayhem. A lot of the littles didn’t know what they wanted to wear, they threw clothes everywhere, and some littles even fought over clothes.

It wasn’t pretty, and they’d never done a dress up party for the littles again. It took hours to clean up the mess, and half the clothes they had were torn or messy, and they had to throw them away.

“Should I call her and ask if she needs any help?” Finn asked Mac.

He was so unsure right now on what to do. He didn’t want to overstep, but at the same time, he wanted to. Finn wanted Charlotte to know that he was there for her and she could come to him for anything.

“I would wait another ten to fifteen minutes. She could be on her way right now, and you don’t want to call her while she’s driving,” Mac suggested.

Finn relaxed into the couch as well as he could. He was worrying too much, and he knew that, but he couldn’t do anything. He had tried taking several deep breaths in and let them out, but it didn’t do much.

Until Charlotte was in the room, he wouldn’t relax and stop worrying. He trusted Charlotte not to back out of things, that wasn’t what was worrying him. He was worried that she may have a wreck, leave her house keys in her house, not charge her phone before she went out, not look around her surroundings as she walked to her car, and so much more.

He wanted to be there for her and help her out, watch over her so she didn’t have to think about that.

Finn took a deep breath in. One step at a time. He had started to get to know her, and with each time they hung out, he could tell she liked him. It was only a matter of time before she asked him, and he wouldn’t take any time to think.

He knew, and he was just waiting for her to be ready to become his baby girl.

“How is she doing after she fell?” Mac inquired.

“She’s okay,” Finn replied. “She was shaken up but no injuries.”

“That’s good. So you two are in a dynamic now?”

Finn let out a breath. He knew this was coming. Charlotte had told him that she called him Daddy before he got there and that was why she stood in the corner for fifteen minutes. To let her think about it and know that it was wrong since they weren’t in a dynamic, but once the punishment was over, all was forgiven.

Finn was excited that she called him Daddy when she was hurt. It showed that she trusted him and that she may want this, but he knew how she felt. Daddy was an honorific, and since they weren’t in a dynamic, Charlotte shouldn’t be calling him that. It was a respect thing, and at that moment, she hadn’t thought about that.

He definitely wasn’t angry at her when he found out. He understood that she was in shock and hurt and might have regressed and called out the first thing she wanted. Her Daddy, which she then said was him.

“We aren’t technically in one right now. We’ve talked to each other about getting into one, but we haven’t actually said we are,” Finn said, and he looked over at Mac.

He wanted to see his reaction to this. Mac was a Dom who stuck to the rules all the time.

“Oh,” he said. “I just thought since she called you Daddy that you guys were in a dynamic.”

Finn had a feeling that Mac wanted to say more but was holding it in. He probably wanted Finn to explain before he said anything else, and Finn respected him for that. A ton of people would have given their opinions before they got the whole story but not Mac. He always waited until he got the whole story before he said anything.

“We weren’t in a dynamic when that happened. She felt guilty about it and told me, so I punished her. She stood in the corner for fifteen minutes,” Finn explained.

“Good,” Mac said.

Finn chuckled and shook his head. He knew that was coming because Mac was all for rules and following them. He was definitely a strict Daddy, and there was nothing wrong with that. Whoever his little girl ended up being would be lucky to have him as a Daddy.

Mac really cared about anyone, and he showed that by being strict and having rules.

“So what are you going to do about it?” Mac asked.

“I don’t know,” Finn replied. “I really don’t know. I want to ask her to become my baby girl, my sub, but I don’t want to push her. I’m nervous that if I ask, I may run her off.”

“So talk to her about that and bring it all up. Communication is key.”

Finn nodded his head. Communication was key, and he hadn’t been doing a good job of that. It was something he was always working on and could only improve on.