There were so many things that went through his mind as he tried to come up with a reason for why she wouldn't respond.

Finn also wanted to get to know her. He wanted to know her dislikes and likes. Her favorite color and her least favorite color. Her favorite food and if she had any stuffies. He wanted to know the names of her stuffies and how she liked to spend her time when she was little.

“You can also invite your friend Diana, if you want. I want you to be comfortable if we do talk,” Finn said again before she could respond.

It would be weird if her friend was there, but if she needed that, he was willing to do it. He wanted to make her as comfortable as she could be while they talked.

He didn't want to talk to her while she was scared because they wouldn't get to know each other. She would be worried out of her mind the whole time and not really paying attention to anything.

“There's a cafe around the corner,” she whispered and looked at her feet.

Finn almost missed it, but he managed to catch it.

“Great! Do you want to call your friend?” Finn asked.

He waited for Charlotte to answer before they went anywhere. If she wanted her friend, they would wait in the bakery while she drove over here.

“No, it’s okay,” Charlotte said as she looked up at Finn.

Finn opened the door and ushered Charlotte out. He knew where the cafe was that was around the corner. He’d lived in this city for over ten years now and had gone to several different cafes.

He loved his coffee, and so when he first moved here, he wanted to find a place where he could get it. The cafe around the corner was one of the three places he liked to get his coffee.

Charlotte walked out of the bakery and onto the sidewalk, closer to the road. Finn immediately felt a little panic flow through his body.

He quickly placed his hand on her shoulder and guided her toward the inside of the sidewalk. His parents taught him right when he was growing up that a woman should never be on the outside of the sidewalk.

“Why’d you do that?” Charlotte asked as she looked up at him.

“Whenever we're together, I'm always on the outside,” Finn said, leaving no room for discussion.


“Because if the car were to get out of control, I would be able to see and protect you. I would take the brunt of the hit before you did.”

Charlotte stayed silent as they walked. Was he too forward with that? Should he have been kinder when he explained it?

The cafe came into view, and they walked a little faster, well, Charlotte walked a little faster. Finn opened the door for Charlotte and they made their way in.

“What would you like?” Finn asked.

Charlotte rocked on her feet as she looked on the menu. “Hot chocolate? No, I'll have tea. Wait.”

Finn let out a chuckle. “If it helps, you can have one now, and before we leave, I'll get you the other one.”

Charlotte's face lit up as she looked at him. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she giggled.

“Tea now, then hot chocolate,” she said.

If Finn hadn’t met her last night, he would have thought that she was little at this point. The way she acted around him and the way she spoke back in the bakery all presented that she was a little.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to think if she was or not because she was at the club last night.

“Great! Why don't you go find a seat, and I'll order the drinks,” Finn suggested.

He watched as Charlotte skipped over to an empty table and sat down. He could watch her all day because she was that cute.

Finn quickly ordered a hot tea and a black coffee for himself before he walked over and sat down in front of Charlotte. Right as he sat down, she went rigid and started to play with her fingers.