With that thought in mind, Charlotte tiptoed out of the kitchen and through the customer area. She glanced at Finn several times to make sure that he was still looking on his phone and not her.
Charlotte made it to the front door, and she grinned. She placed her hand on the door knob, but right as she did that, a hand grabbed her shoulder.
“Sneaking away, little one?” Finn asked.
Charlotte was too cute trying to sneak out of the bakery. But what she didn't know was that her shoes were squeaking a little and alerted everybody that she was leaving.
It was cute, and Finn played along. He kept his eyes on his phone as she walked to the front door. She was like a little kid trying to sneak a cookie from the cookie jar.
That cute.
Finn had to keep himself from smiling as he watched her. He knew right then and there that if Charlotte became his, she would be a handful. A good handful, but she would keep him on his toes.
His baby girl.
He loved that ring to those words, and he couldn't wait to get to know her. Finn knew that she was special when he first laid eyes on her. And then when he talked to her, it just solidified everything.
“Isn’t she cute trying to sneak away?” a girl said.
Finn looked down and saw that it was Amelia, a coworker of Charlotte’s and it looked like the girlfriend of the guy, James, that was in the kitchen with them.
How close was James to Charlotte? Did he have to worry about him, or was it just strictly boss and employee?
“She is,” Finn replied as he watched Charlotte get closer to the door.
When he looked back down at Amelia, he found that she was gone, and he shook his head. She reminded him of a little, a naughty little who needed a good spanking.
Finn quietly walked to Charlotte as she touched the door handle. He placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from leaving.
“Sneaking away, little one?” Finn asked.
Charlotte's whole body went rigid before she turned around and looked into his eyes. Finn could see the apprehension in her eyes, and he wanted to take that away.
“Can we talk? We have some things to discuss,” he said as he took his hand off her shoulder.
Charlotte stood there for a second, blinking several times but not answering him. So many thoughts went through his mind as he waited for her to reply. Was she never interested in getting to know each other? Did Finn get the wrong impression last night when they first met?
Finn didn't want to do anything that she didn't want. Even last night, he knew that she was shy, reserved, maybe even a little bit scared, but that didn't stop him from trying to talk to her.
Did he make a mistake and push too far?
He didn't think so because she willingly gave her phone to him to put his number in. When he mentioned them hanging out sometime soon, she responded.
Finn didn't think that she would have handed her phone or responded in a positive way when he asked those questions and then not want to the next day.
Her friend was there with them last night, which should have made her more comfortable. The two of them seemed comfortable around each other when they walked out, almost like they'd known each other for years and years.
So what could have changed?
“We can talk somewhere in public if it'll make you feel better,” Finn said as he tried to ease her worry and hesitation.
He really wanted to talk to her. He wanted to ask why she didn't respond last night or this morning.
Was it because she was busy and already asleep? Was it because she didn’t text and preferred to call? Was she weirded out that he texted her good night and good morning?