“No need to be embarrassed,” he said. “I thought I was dreaming when I first saw you. So beautiful and precious. I didn’t think you were real until I walked down here and started talking to you.”

A blush covered her face at his words. He couldn’t mean them, could he?

“Now, I’m pretty sure your friend Diana wants to go home. So I’m going to put my number in your phone, and I’ll call you later to set up a time to meet. Unless you want to meet here again if it makes you more comfortable,” Finn suggested.

Charlotte nodded her head. “I-I’ll have to think about it?” It came out more like a question, but she didn’t know what she wanted. She wanted to go out with him to get to know him, but she didn’t know if she was comfortable to go somewhere else but the club right now.

She took a shaky breath in. Charlotte didn’t have a membership here anymore. Diana had paid for her tonight, and she didn’t want that to happen again. That meant they were going to have to meet somewhere else, preferably cheap, so Charlotte could afford it.

“You think about it,” Finn said. “Can I see your phone?”

He helped her sit up on his lap. Then Charlotte grabbed her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. She watched as he put his phone number in and texted himself.


Charlotte didn’t think she would be able to text him first. She knew nerves would run through her body, and she would psych herself out of texting him.

“Now, be a good girl for Diana. Go home, and get some rest.” Finn gave her a hug before setting her on the ground and standing up. “I’ll see you soon.”

Diana grabbed her hand and started walking toward the front entrance. Charlotte looked back and waved at Finn who was watching them leave. He gave a little wave back right as she walked through the door.

“Did you have a fun time?” Diana asked.

“Yes,” she softly spoke.

She really did have a good time, well, until she got spanked.

“Maybe we can come again soon.” Diana helped Charlotte into the car.

She stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond. Charlotte wanted to, but she didn’t have any money and didn’t want Diana to pay for her again. She didn’t want to be in debt to her.

The drive to her house was quiet and quick. She didn’t live far from the club, which was nice when she was a member.

“Have a good night. I’ll pick you up in the morning for work,” Diana said.

Charlotte nodded and said goodnight to her before walking up to her door and unlocking it. She walked into her house and to her room.

She didn’t want to look at anything in the house right now. Charlotte knew it was a big mess that she needed to clean up, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it right now.

Charlotte’s phone went off, and she quickly checked it.

It was from Finn.


Goodnight. Be a good girl, and get some rest!

Charlotte felt butterflies flutter in her stomach, but she also felt anxious. How could she respond to that? Could she respond at all?

She climbed into bed after she placed her phone on the bedside table. Charlotte wasn’t going to worry about responding tonight. She needed sleep before she woke up in a couple of hours for work.

She would respond to Finn in the morning when she had time to think over it. With that thought, she found herself closing her eyes and falling asleep.



Finn watched as Charlotte left the club with her friend Diana. He didn’t want her to leave, but he knew she needed to get home. Diana had told her that they needed to leave, and Finn suspected that Charlotte needed to go to bed.