“Fine, but only because it’ll be easier to make lunch for everybody,” she said in a tone just this side of snarky.
“Mandy’s dander seems to be up this morning,” Croft noted.
John smiled. “She gets that way when I don’t sleep at home with her.”
“Poor John. The things you have to do to keep her happy.”
“Well, a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do,” he laughed. “So, Thom, what do we know?”
Thom went over the information he had been able to glean from his contacts in several intelligence agencies. It boiled down to Springer most likely involved with a splinter group from the RAF that had ties to Boko Haram and other extremist organizations. There were rumors they had been planning to make a big push to become one of the world’s major players in terrorism. As they had feared, taking over Fariq’s organization was their way to secure funding.
“What does he want with Finn?” John asked.
“From what I’ve been able to gather, she really was just a means of escape. She has no intrinsic value?—”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Reid said as he entered the room.
“Easy, Christian,” Croft soothed. “He means she doesn’t know anything about them and isn’t a threat. They’re not going to see a pressing need to harm her. It’s a good thing.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled as Croft handed him a coffee cup with his name on it.
“Help yourself to a burrito,” Noah said. “Where the hell is Avery, by the way?”
Thom grinned. “Making deals with the officials so we can come and go on the fly with a very sketchy flight plan. She’ll get the jet ready to go, then head over here. My contacts were also able to run down where Springer landed—Paris. He may no longer be there, but my friend, Andre in DGSI, one of France’s security agencies, says he has a headquarters of sorts in the countryside outside the city. They aren’t prepared to move on them, but if we want, he can arrange for us to do that very quietly with no interference or paperwork. I’ve assured him this is simply a snatch and grab.”
“We’re headed to France, then?” Noah asked.
“I would think so. Adam is going to stay here. I’m planning to sleep on the plane on the way over,” Thom offered, looking at John.
“Good thinking, Thom. We may need intelligence on the fly, and you have plenty of contacts in that area. I think we need to leave Baez and Junior here with Fariq. That leaves Noah, Croft, and me to go over there and get Finn,” John said, nodding.
“What about me?” Reid asked.
“It’s best if you stay here. You can make yourself useful by helping Baez, Junior, and Adam go over the information you gathered. I don’t think it has much to do with Finn, but it could have a negative impact on Fariq’s group, which Springer wants for himself.”
“I can’t just stay behind?—”
“Christian, we’re going to try to negotiate with Springer, but if we can’t, we’re going to go in and get Finn. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but in that situation, you’d be a liability,” Croft said.
Reid sighed. “I just feel like I should do something.”
“You will be,” John said. “I know it may not sound like much, but we’re going to be all hands on deck getting your sister. There’s no knowing what we’ll need here. It may be something as simple as helping out with the phones or helping Mandy with food, but whatever it is, if you aren’t here, it will be harder on them. I hate to say this, but Croft is right. If you’re with us, you won’t be of any help.”
“I guess. Just get Finn,” he said.
“All right, boys, the next flight for Paris is ready to board. I’ve got a tight flight plan, so let’s get to it. Good morning, Christian,” Avery called.
The other men got up to head out to the plane.
“That’s nice, Avery,” Thom said. “You shout orders at us and say nice things to him.”
“Maybe because he’s nice a guy, and I know you a lot better. Get a move on, boys. Time’s a-wasting.”
Croft turned to look at Reid. “We’ll get her. If they’ve harmed her, they’ll pay.”
Finn was pleasant and cooperative all morning. She finally asked the man who brought her lunch if it might be possible for her to take a stroll around the grounds. He was uncertain but finally agreed to ask Springer.
The door opened, and Springer entered her room.