“Why is it you think I would let you wander around the grounds?” he asked suspiciously.
“I don’t think you’d let me wander. I’m sure you’d have someone with me. You have guards posted, and I’m amendable to anything you feel you need to do to ensure I don’t get away—bind my hands, make me walk barefoot, whatever. I’m just understandably anxious, and I think a walk outside in the fresh air would help.”
Finn didn’t care for the speculative look that came over his face.
“I couldn’t care less what might help you, but it could be entertaining for my men. You will be stripped naked, your hands bound, and one of my men will have a tether on you. If you behave, you will be given back your clothes when you are returned to your room. If you don’t, I will allow one of my men to use you as he sees fit. I warn you, Ms. Reid, some of them have not had a woman in a while, and you are a very tasty morsel. Are we agreed?”
Finn gulped. She hadn’t been prepared for his conditions but felt it was imperative for her to get a long look at the outside. The idea of a bunch of men ogling her didn’t sit well, but she needed to do whatever it took to get outside. She couldn’t go out a window and over a roof and not know the terrain. As she had no interest in misbehaving on her tour, she thought it was worth it. Finn also hoped it would feed into his arrogant superiority and make them all a little less concerned.
Once Springer left, Finn removed her clothes and sat waiting on the bed. The big man she had seen standing outside her door came in and bound her hands with soft leather cuffs and buckled a collar with a leash around her neck. He stroked her breast, circling her areola before pinching her nipple at the center.
“We go,” he grunted, openly staring at her mons. “You should have pussy shaved.” He tugged on the tether.
Finn stood and walked with as much dignity as she could muster under the circumstances. The men inside the house were respectful other than their eyes riveted to either her ass, her breasts, or her mons. They walked outside, and the cool air caused her nipples to harden. The giant on the other end of her line grinned lustily as he watched.
“I want you to try something. I know how I would use you. Regardless of who gets to fuck you, I get to watch.”
The men outside were not as concerned about their response to seeing her being paraded around naked. They made catcalls in both German and Arabic, and several opened their flies so she could see their cocks. Finn paid them no mind, keeping her head down but moving her eyes around so she could take it all in. The front, first side, and back where her room was didn’t seem to offer any means of escape, but the far side of the house was a different story.
Finn recognized her bedroom window and the roof where the skylight had been installed. Although the main portion of the house had a pyramid-style roof, the section she was in appeared to be an addition and had a more traditional gabled roof without a steep incline. More importantly, it led directly down to a roof, only a single story above the ground with bushes beneath it. Finn figured she could slip off the roof, hang from the edge, and allow the bushes to break her fall.
On the far side of the house from the bedroom she was using, there was a small open field adjacent to a heavily wooded area. She made note of the speed with which the guards seemed to patrol on that particular side.
When her walk was through, she was led back into the house, where Springer met her. He spoke in a language Finn didn’t understand before taking her lead.
“Otto tells me you were a very good girl and kept your eyes averted as you should. You are very beautiful, Ms. Reid. I cansee why Croft wasted no time fucking you.” Springer reached out and drew his finger down the swell of her breast, causing Finn to recoil. He smiled. “His desire to fuck you again could prove useful.”
He handed the tether back to Otto and again spoke in a language, not at all familiar. She was taken back to her room, where he removed her bindings, never taking his eyes from her still-stiffened peaks. As he left, Finn realized she needed to make her move tonight. She thought Springer might have underestimated his ability to keep a bunch of horny men under control when there was a woman available to satisfy their lust.
Finn opted to take her dinner in her room and planned her bid for freedom. She wasn’t sure what country she was in, but she planned to make her way through the woods, avoiding any kind of roadway. If they gave chase, they would have to pursue her on foot. If she found a town or factory, she would ask to be taken to the American embassy. Not a perfect plan, but it was all she had.
She waited until she had eaten, then gave the house time to settle down, spending the time tying the bedsheets together to form a strong rope. If there was something she could secure it to, in order to climb down, she would. Otherwise, she would tie it to the bars outside her window, so it looked as though she had climbed down from that side. Either way, the going would be rough, and she hoped her innate sense of direction would keep her from going in circles.
Avery flew the plane to an open field outside Paris, which meant if they needed to make a swift, strategic retreat to the United States, they wouldn’t have to worry about the endless waiting to depart from Orly or Charles de Gaulle airports. While in flight, the team had been able to secure a small, modest farmhouse that belonged to a friend of Thom and had state-of-the-art electronic capability. The plane was parked only a hundred yards or so from the farm but not visible from the road.
Once on the ground, the team headed to their staging place, and Thom set about getting them plugged into the net and establishing communication with their comm links as well as back in Mesa. He checked in with Adam, who had nothing new to report except Mandy had put herself in charge of keeping Reid occupied since the waiting seemed to be taking a toll on him.
By the time they were set up, night was falling, and they took the time to make a plan for the next day. Normally, John or Mac would lead the team, but as Finn was Croft’s girl, the team deferred to him. In addition, this kind of strike was something at which SEALs excelled, and Croft had been one of the best.
“The first thing we need to do is determine if Springer is where we think he is and if he still has Finn with him,” Croft said, looking at the map.
“Why don’t I take a drive by tomorrow and see what I can see? Who’s going to be worried about a woman in an old farm truck?”
“I can go with her,” Thom offered. “I can take some of my equipment and lie down in the back of the bed and scan the place as we drive by.”
“I hate that we can’t go tonight,” John offered.
“I know,” Croft said. “But I think any kind of vehicle passing by there at this time of night would be highly suspect, and the last thing we want to do with these guys is spook them.”
“We’ll get her,” Noah said reassuringly.
“I know. I just hope she heard me when I told her to stay put and not cause trouble.”
“Don’t you think she’s going to be too scared to do anything?” Thom asked.