“If I’m of no value, then why did Fariq want me at the meeting?” Finn asked, making note Springer had not corrected her assumption they had left the United States.
“He is old and getting weak. He truly believed your brother would be easier to deal with if you were there. Like you, he should have simply gotten rid of him.”
“Then why not just kill me?”
“I have considered it, but as you say, doing so would put me in the cross-hairs of the Wild Mustang group. I know you share a bed with Croft. Those I truly serve do not wish to run afoul of that firm and your lover, in particular. If I to kill you, he would make it his life’s mission to take vengeance on those who harmed you and would ultimately discover who I am, who I represent, and what we plan to do. Your only value is as a pawn… that can be sacrificed at any time. You are fortunate in that you spread your legs for the right man. I will have breakfast sent up to you.”
After the door closed behind him and the lock clicked, Finn conducted a more thorough search of her temporary prison for a means of escape. She also wanted to ensure Springer had spoken the truth about any kind of electronic monitoring in her room. Feeling safe enough for the moment, she went into the bath to take a shower.
Finn stood under the lukewarm water, but there was little pleasure to be found either with its maximum temperature or water pressure. It occurred to her as she stared up at the skylight overhead, she ought to heed Croft’s words and wait to be rescued, but patience had never been her strong suit, and she doubted they even had a clue as to where she was. Finn truly believed the best thing to do was bide her time, only as long as it took to find a means of escape.
She jumped up and clung to the top of the glass shower enclosure. Solid and well installed, bumping and climbing alongits edge didn’t even cause it to shake. Finn thought she was probably tall enough, standing on top of it, she could reach the skylight. It looked as though there were both a screen and a handle, which indicated the skylight would open.
The problem was, having not seen the outside of the building, she had no idea what the roof was like. She needed to persuade Springer to let her stretch her legs outside, so she could take a better look at both the roof and the surrounding countryside. All she could see from her window were open fields. It would be easy for someone with a rifle to pick her off as she fled. No, she needed to get a lay of the land.
Croft slept little, his dreams either enhanced by memories of being with Finn and envisioning a life together or tormented by thoughts of what might happen to her before this was all over. He was up before Noah and took another shower to chase the cobwebs from his mind. He needed to be focused and sharp if they were going to get Finn back. And God help Springer if he’d harmed her in any way.
Noah was up and getting dressed as Croft reentered the barracks.
John stuck his head in. “Apparently, Thom has some intel. We’ll go over it while we eat. Mandy made burritos.”
Croft grinned. Mandy’s breakfast burritos were a team staple. There wasn’t a single member of the organization who would turn one down. Croft got dressed, and the two men headed to the conference room. They met Junior, four burritos in hand, headed to Fariq.
“Four?” Noah teased.
“You bet,” Junior said as he took a bite of one. “One for Fariq, one for Baez, and two for me.”
They continued on their way and entered the conference room to find not only had Mandy brought breakfast but coffee as well. There was a big pot brewing, but also a specialty coffee for each man with his name on the sleeve. Junior had gone down to keep an eye on Fariq, Baez was most likely getting some shut-eye, and Adam would be manning the electronics. That left John, Noah, Thom, and Croft in the conference room.
“Good morning, gentlemen,” said the curvaceous redhead John was married to. “I knew you’d be hungry, so there’s plenty to eat.”
“Coffee first.” Croft walked past the burritos and grabbed his coffee, then took a long drink.
He turned and was confronted by the feisty Mrs. Hampton, who thrust a burrito in his face.
“You need to eat, Croft. You can’t do her any good if you aren’t at your best, and that means food as well as coffee. She’ll be fine. You’ll get her back.”
Croft nodded but said nothing as he sat down at the table.
John approached his wife and kissed her. “Thanks, sweetheart. Any word from Willa?”
“Now, why do you think I would hear from Willa before you hear from Mac?”
John chuckled. “Because Mac had no intention of doing anything but having his way with Willa while they were gone. And while your best buddy enjoys that as well, she tends to be rather driven about her business, and you have a big group going out right after she gets back.”
Mandy laughed. “It’s a repeat group, and she wants everything to go smoothly. I haven’t heard from her in a couple of days, though. If I do, should I bring her up to speed?”
“No, but if she calls, tell her to have Mac contact me. Be a good girl and take a burrito and coffee to Adam, will you?”
“Already done. Let Baez and Avery know there are burritos in the kitchen for them. Anything else?”
“I think that’ll do it,” John said and kissed her again. “Do me a favor and work from Willa’s today, will you?”
“I’m fine, John,” Mandy replied, letting her exasperation with her husband’s overly protective nature shine through.
“You will be if you work from Willa’s and do what I tell you,” he replied with just a hint of annoyance. “I want to know where all our people are.”
Noah, Thom, and Croft grinned. It was obvious Mandy wanted to argue, but it was just as obvious she knew better, and John wasn’t in the mood for it.