“Who’s to tell him?” she said sweetly.

“That may work on his guys, but not on me, Willa Reynolds,” John said. “Mount up, and let’s rejoin the rest of the group.”

“You really are a killjoy, Hampton, you know that?”

John chuckled but wisely said nothing. Willa mounted Gator and loped toward the rest of the group as Mac arrived.

“And you have been where?” he asked.

“Checking the track. I think we need to stop for the night. There’s something fishy going on over there, and I won’t be able to tell exactly what until I have daylight. Did you see anything?”

“No, and I had a chance to take a good look. Let’s set up camp close to this butte. That way, we’ll have it at our backs.”

They found a good place to make camp and created a banked fire they could keep mostly hidden with thermal blankets, so it cast its glow on the wall of stone behind them and gave them adequate light and heat.

Willa was busy setting up a double bed for Mac and her to share.

“Am I going to have to separate you two, or do you think you can keep your hands to yourselves?” John teased.

Mac grumbled something inaudible under his breath about getting even.

“Hampton? Do you want to eat something I cooked in the morning or hardtack? ’Cause I can arrange either,” Willa called to John.

John laughed. “Ya know I love ya, Willa.”

“Laugh it up, law dog. I can also make sure a burr finds its way under your saddle blanket.”

“Hey, Mac, a little help here for an old friend?”

“You started it, and you’ve known her as long as I have, so don’t come looking to me to bail your sorry ass out.”

His men and Gus were enjoying the easy banter, and after a long day in the saddle, most were asleep within minutes of bedding down. Willa and Mac cuddled together.

“Not exactly the romantic night under the stars I was planning,” Mac said.

“As long as I’m with you, I’m good.” Willa snuggled closer and drifted her hand down his torso.

“That hand goes lower than my belt, Cowgirl, and you and I are going to have a major disagreement.”

“Can’t we sneak off somewhere to have a quickie?” she whispered.

“God, Willa, don’t start. I’d like nothing better than to have you naked beneath me with your legs wrapped around my waist, my cock buried deep inside you, and you raking my back with your nails. But you’re going to have to settle for… well, nothing until we’re home. Then, Cowgirl, I’ll give you all you want and then some.”

“Promise?” she said dreamily as exhaustion overtook her.

“I do,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

“You getting some practice in with that phrase, Marshal?” Gus asked.

“No need to practice something that feels as natural as breathing,” he said, settling down to sleep as well.



Mac woke in the makeshift bed he shared with Willa, which he was glad to be doing once again, not having her alone in a bed, where he could roll over and mount her was excruciating. He thought to whisper something to make her laugh and realized she wasn’t there. Casting a glance to where the horses were high-lined, he found Gator missing.

The rest of the camp was fast asleep. Willa had always been stealthy. He quietly rose and saddled Roscoe, then spotted John approaching.