“Where the hell did she run off to?” the man asked.

“I haven’t a clue. I need you to do me a favor and keep everyone close to camp for a couple of reasons. One, I don’t need them straggling about.”

“And two?” John asked, a faint smile making an appearance.

“And two, I’d like a little privacy to deal with my naughty Cowgirl. I swear to God, John, I’m tempted to send her home with you, but we need her. I’m going to head over to where you guys were last night.”

“For the record? Mandy was never this misbehaved.”

Mac smiled but said nothing. He swung up on Roscoe and loped off in the direction Willa had gone the night before andfound her staring at something in the dirt. Gator was ground-tied while Willa poked at the soil, standing, squatting, feeling the earth, and wandering in an ever-widening circle.

Gator, seeing his friend, nickered a greeting Roscoe returned. Willa looked up and smiled. Mac thought there was very little he couldn’t forgive her for that smile. Then he reminded himself she’d left camp without telling a soul and hadn’t put the Kevlar vest back on after he’d let her take it off to sleep.

“Look, Mac. Come see this. Just drop Roscoe’s rein and tell him to stand.”

Mac did as instructed—impressed the horses seemed to mind far better than their owner. Willa was focused intently on the ground when she backed right into Mac. Her shapely rear end was framed by the black chaps as it made contact with his hard cock. Willa turned to grin at him, but the smile quickly faded when she saw the dark storm clouds moving across his face and taking up residence in his eyes. She stood on tiptoe and kissed his unrelenting mouth.

“Good morning!” she said a little too brightly.

“Not for some of us. Cowgirl, you and I need to come to an understanding about you leaving our bed. From here on out, if you are out of my line of sight when I open my eyes, I’m going to blister your ass. You ride off into a dangerous situation without telling anyone where you’re going? I’m going to blister your ass.”

“Mac, Eastwick is long gone.”

“Says who?”

“The tracks. I don’t think Eastwick is on horseback anymore.”

“I don’t care. You and I aren’t finished talking about how much trouble you’re in.”

“But Mac?—”

“But, Mac, nothing. You promised to behave. This sure as hell doesn’t qualify. You don’t have on your vest, and thatcrosses the line into you disobeying me. Now, show me what you see.”

She quickly pointed out tire tracks someone had tried to brush away.

“And the hoofprints? They aren’t as deep. They aren’t carrying as heavy a load, but my guess is when we find the edge of where they tried to obliterate the tire tracks, we’ll be able to see one set was lighter coming in than going out.”

“Let’s get on the horses and see if we can find where they gave up.”

“We need to ride in an ever-expanding circle. Mac, how pissed are you?”

“I’m pissed on so many levels, I can’t even begin to explain them all. I’ll start the explanation before I call for a chopper and have John take you to the safe house.”


“Yes. If you think you’re going to be sitting comfortably for the next few days, think again. And as you’ve proven unable to behave yourself to stay safe when I close my eyes unless I’ve fucked you into exhaustion, I’ll send you to the safe house and have John head up a full detail.”


“Willa, let’s find where they stop trying to hide the tracks. Then I’m going to find some nice place I can sit down, strip those chaps and leggings off, put you over my knee, and paddle your cute little butt. If you behave, you can ride Gator to camp. If not, you can return to camp facedown over my saddle in front of me. Get a move on, Willa.”

They rode the circle as she laid it out while Mac used his sat phone to call for a chopper. He gave them the coordinates between them and the camp, then called John to apprise him of the new plan and gave him the coordinates as well. Finally, theylocated the end of the deception. The tire tracks were lighter coming in than going out.

“I was right,” she told him. “You can see that, can’t you?”

“You were right about the tracks, but oh so wrong about disobeying me.”

Mac spied a rock formation, reached over to take Gator’s reins, then rode to the rocks. He stepped off, checked to be sure there were no snakes or bugs, and helped Willa down. He dropped the reins of both horses and told them to stand. Willa tried to hang back, but Mac fisted her hair at the nape of her neck and strode forward. He sat on the rock, keeping hold of her hair, and used the other hand to quickly strip her leggings and chaps down past her knees before pulling her over his lap. Mac watched as the cool, desert air wafting over her naked derriere raised goosebumps.