“Not much, but I don’t care.” She hugged Mac close. “Kiss me.”
“I think she’s talking to you, Mac.”
“She’d better be.” He leaned down and obliged her. Willa closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep. “Where are we?”
“We think we may have found the car rental for the guy who took a shot at Willa. We’re trying to trace him to whatever hotel he’s staying at, but Eastwick has disappeared into the wilderness. I hate to tell you this, but I think we’re going to need Willa to track him.”
“I won’t have it.”
“She’s the best. You know that. We’ll have her well protected, and you’ll be with her.”
“I won’t put her at risk.”
“She’s at risk as long as Eastwick is on the lam. If we catch the guy he sent, he’ll only send another. We need the bastard in custody, then tried and convicted. You know I’m right.”
“And I hate you for it.”
“I don’t doubt it. I’d feel the same way if the situation was reversed, but there is nobody better. I actually asked around, even checked with Gus, but kept getting the same answer. Willa is the best and knows this country better than anyone. Let’s catch the guy here, then you two can come back from the safe house, and we’ll figure out our next move.”
“John, somebody needs to go to Willa’s to set up an alarm system and make sure all the doors are reinforced with good strong deadbolts.”
“I’ll take care of it. Anything else?”
“If she’s going out with us, I want her to have a Kevlar vest.”
“Done. I’ll let you know when we get the hitman. You two all right there?”
“I’m righter than I’ve ever been in my life. So is Willa, other than a fetchingly red fanny.”
“About damn time. You keep her well-spanked and well laid, and she’ll settle in pretty damn quick.”
“That’s the plan,” Mac said, grinning at his friend. “Let’s plan to talk tonight unless you call to tell me good news.”
“You got it. And Mac?”
“I’m really happy… for both of you.”
Mac smiled and disconnected the phone.
Willa woke alone in their bed. She’d have to remember not to do that to him. For one thing, she had a very strong suspicion doing so would result in her being put facedown over his knee again, and for another, she didn’t like being on the receiving end one bit. Easing into a sitting position, she grimaced at the pain that greeted her bottom, even on the soft mattress. She grabbed the oversized T-shirt and pulled it on. When she stood, she could feel the aftereffects of Mac’s repeated and intense use of her all night.
He walked in, carrying a tray with juice, coffee, bacon, and French toast… the one thing he really knew how to cook well.
“Hey, there. I don’t think you want to try to sit up right away, do you?” he asked solicitously.
“How much trouble would I be in if I threw a major tantrum over the state of my ass?”
“Enough for me to show you the error of your ways with more of the same.”