He drove into her repeatedly, causing her to climax again before his own need for release and completion overtook him. He held her close, so she couldn’t move at all. He had all the control, and she reveled in his possession. She strove to meet his demand as she felt him pump his cum deep inside her spasming pussy. When he was spent, he kissed her deeply and with great emotion.
“Are you paying attention, Willa?”
She nodded with a smile.
“I love you. I always have, and I always will. I will not let you go again.”
He rolled off her, drawing her next to his side, and more importantly, off her bottom, tucking her under his shoulder as he caught his breath and stroked her gently and lovingly.
“Don’t start…”
“I’m not. I wanted to tell you something.” She raised herself up, so she could look down at him, hoping the depth of her feeling showed clearly in her eyes.
“I’m listening, Cowgirl.” He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“I love you, too, and I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you.”
He reached behind her head and drew her down to capture her mouth, all of his love for her apparent in his kiss.
Willa reached up and traced the scars along his upper body, which told the story of his life. One she recognized from before. A bull had gored him when he was a teenager, but the others were all garnered in the last five years—a bullet scar here, a healed-over knife wound there, and now claw marks from their lovemaking. He’d grown older during the passage of time, so had she. She knew those scars had left their marks, but she believed now, the deepest one, the one that didn’t show, was beginning to heal. She knew she was responsible for that wound but also knew she would ensure he was made whole again.
“I’m going to hold you to that. Still want to call that lawyer on a secure line?”
She giggled. “Really wouldn’t have done any good, would it?”
“None whatsoever.”
“In that case, I think I’ll snuggle up with you and try to sleep. I didn’t get much last night.”
“I didn’t hear you complain.”
“Nor will you,” she sighed, closing her eyes.
Mac needed to get up and check in. Deciding he could reach John via his secure cell phone and not have to disturb Willa, he dialed John’s phone.
“Yo, Mac. I was starting to…” John stopped short. Mac was quite sure his good friend could see the top of Willa’s head resting on his chest. “So, that’s the reason you’re calling in a bit later than expected.”
“Yes, and you can laugh your fool head off and tell Mandy the two of you were right all along.”
“Does she know?”
“What, that you two never gave up on us figuring things out? I’m sure she does. She’s a bright girl.”
“I was being more basic… that the two of you are together again.”
“Maybe we’re not. Who’s to say I wasn’t horny and decided to fuck my ex-girlfriend.”
“Because nothing about you and Willa has ever been casual. If she’s curled up next to you sound asleep, you two are together. For good this time?”
“Absolutely.” Mac chuckled happily. “We put things right between us last night. I don’t know how we’re going to work it out, but I’m not giving her up. So, we need to catch Eastwick and the guy he hired to shoot my woman.”
“That poor dumb bastard. He never had good odds at getting away, and his chances have now gone from slim to none. I almost pity him.”
“Pity who?” Willa said, coming awake and looking at his phone. “Oh, hi, John.”
“Hi there, sleepyhead. Did you get any rest at all?”