“Good morning,” he whispered as he nuzzled the nape of her neck.
“Is it? Did I sleep all night?”
“You did.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?” she asked as she rolled onto her back.
“I knew you needed the rest.”
“What time is it?”
Croft started to remove his hand from where it had been gently stroking her clit, but Finn guided it back down. He chuckled in a deeply masculine and sensual way.
“I see,” he said. “Looking to get laid, are you?”
“I was promised you’d see to that last night.”
“You were too cute to wake when I came to bed. I get points for being a gentleman.”
“Only if you make up for it this morning,” she teased.
It was so easy being with him. The fact her brother was being held captive was present but at the back of her mind. She liked to think it was because she trusted Croft and those he worked with, but part of her knew there was nothing to be done until later and just wanted to lose herself in Croft’s lovemaking.
Croft smiled as he leaned down and sucked her areola into his mouth before latching onto her nipple and grazing it with his teeth. She inhaled sharply as he laved the injured bud with his tongue. Finn brought her hands up to cradle his head and moaned as he increased both his suckling and his attention to the aroused bud at the top of her most feminine parts. He whispered kisses from one breast to the other as he gave it the same treatment. His hand slipped lower, exploring and gently caressing her labia.
Finn widened her legs in invitation and acceptance as he plunged two of his fingers into her hot, wet sheath, pressing his thumb down on the swollen nub at the top of her sex. He scissored the digits within her, stroked the ceiling of her channel before doing it again, then running them along the base.
Croft lifted his head and pushed his tongue past her teeth, inviting hers to dance. His hand, the one not pushing her toward an orgasm, stilled her head so he could plunder her mouth just as surely as he planned to do to her pussy. Finn was not much on being a passive partner in bed, but every time she tried to exert anything even resembling control of the situation, Croft used his strength and prowess to dominate her senses and force her back into a more submissive position.
He stroked her cunt repeatedly, with greater speed and to a greater depth until she was at the precipice of climax. Recognizing her readiness, he rolled on top of her, spread her thighs, and drove his cock home in one fell swoop. Finn cried out his name as she came hard, clinging to him. His hands reached under her to cup her buttocks as he thrust stronglyinto her depth. Her sheath stretched to accommodate his need and pulsed along his entire length, causing him to groan at the sensation.
Finn arched as Croft relentlessly pounded her pussy, forcing another orgasm to explode. She raked his back with her nails, trying to find some kind of equality in their encounter. She didn’t have the ability to withstand the onslaught of his passion and finally surrendered to him.
“Good girl,” he whispered.
Finn hated that not only could he completely control her response, but she was pretty damn sure he knew he did. She responded, digging her nails firmly into the hard muscles of his back, which only increased the frenzy of his lust. He nipped her ear before sucking the bottom of her lobe, then kissing behind her ear and down the side of her neck.
As Croft hammered her sheath more insistently, her body responded and ascended again to the pinnacle of pleasure, he seemed intent having her achieve in unison with his own.
“Please, Croft,” she called to him huskily. “Finish with me.”
He kissed her again as she reached the height of her pleasure, then spilled himself deep inside her. He had ceased stroking her, but Finn could feel his cock still spurting the last remnants of cum. As he had before, he rolled to his back, taking her with him without withdrawing, stroking her back as the last fevered shivers quieted in her body.
“I thought John told you not to fuck me too hard.”
Croft chuckled. “He did… and I didn’t. Trust me, babe, that’s nothing compared to what I plan to do you when I have the time, and it doesn’t matter whether or not you’re sore when I’m done.”
Finn shook her head and giggled, laying her head on his chest. She was fairly certain that wasn’t a sound she’d made since she was a toddler.
“Is it wrong to feel with you when my brother isn’t safe?”
“Look at me, Finn. From everything you’ve said, your brother loves you. You finding comfort and some sense of happiness with all that’s happening would only reassure him you will be fine, regardless of what unfolds this afternoon. Once he sees you’re safe and sound and knows Fariq will leave him alone, he’ll be able to get over his guilt about involving you.”
“But he didn’t involve me,” she protested.
“I know, babe, but he’s not going to see it that way. Having you happy and settled with a man who loves you will make him feel better.”