“You think I’m settled?”

“I think you damn well better think so. If you don’t, I’ll ensure your backside is just as sore as your pussy before I’m done.”

Finn shook her head and kissed him. “You really are a jackass.”

“I really am. We have some time to kill before we need to get ready. The other thing John told me was not to worry about what we might need for the operation. My only concern before we leave is to reassure you and make this as easy on you as we can.”

“I take it, then, he’d approve of me lying on top of you, impaled on your cock.”

Croft glanced down at his watch. “I’m fairly sure that right about now, his Mandy is in a similar position.”

Finn rolled her eyes. “The whole lot of you are jackasses.”

“Damn straight,” Croft said as he sat up and brought her legs around him.

“Did you sleep well?” she asked, suddenly shy and unable to look him in the eye.

“It’s just me, Finn. Nothing has changed in the past few minutes except we’re sitting up. And yes, babe, as long as I’m sleeping curled up with you, I sleep better than I ever have in my life.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to seem wishy-washy. This has just been so fast, and I never expected anyone like you in my life.”

“You mean an ex-SEAL, ex-cowboy who only wears a suit when he absolutely has to?”

“God, I wish.” She laughed. “That doesn’t bother me at all. What I’m having trouble accepting is the whole dominant/submissive thing. I’ve never, ever thought of myself in those terms.”

“Good. I’ve never wanted a submissive. Some couples thrive in that dynamic, but I want a woman who’s my equal and makes a choice to yield to my authority. I don’t think there’s one right or wrong way. People need to find their own way that works for them. For us, ideologically, you have an objection not being the dominant partner, but deep inside, the largest part of you has been looking for me as long as I’ve been looking for you.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I do. There are just too many societal norms that tell you not to.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“No. At some point, too many men got lazy and abandoned what I see as their natural role to be the dominant partner. Someone has to be, so a lot of women were forced to step up and assume that position. Problem is a lot of men now want it back because they think it means they get their own way. They want all the goodies, so to speak, and none of the responsibilities. Most women, if given the opportunity to be with a man who can actually lead, prefer it that way, but they won’t be put in the position of having to yield if the guy’s an idiot and wants them to still do all the work. Frankly, I don’t blame them.”

He made it all sound so easy. “What about your friend Avery? Is she involved?”

Croft laughed. “Avery proves my point. When the right man comes along and takes Avery in hand, she’ll fall into line, beincredibly happy, and a great partner, but he’s going to have to be every bit as tough and fearless as she is. Otherwise, Avery will do what she’s always done in the past and roll right through the middle of him without breaking stride.”

“So, it won’t bother you that some guy is beating her ass? Don’t you want him to respect her?”

“You mean spank her? Not if she’s done something to deserve it. And knowing Avery, she will. Do you feel disrespected by me or anyone you’ve met so far with the firm? I can assure you, you’ll never find a group of men who has more respect and admiration for the crap women have to put up with than me and the guys I work with.”

“They kept looking to you for answers instead of me,” Finn protested.

“Only about whether you were going to the meeting. And yeah, that’s one we’re all going to defer to the man involved, provided we know he’s going to do the right thing for his woman.”

Finn thought about what he’d said and began to feel better about their relationship, which seemed to be proceeding at warp speed. She still had questions and concerns, but they were headed in the right direction. He was right that she did feel he respected her—yes, he was a bit on the overly protective side, but not because he felt she was inferior in some way. She was feeling better about everything until the enormity of the entire situation landed on her like a giant weight whose mooring had been cut.

Without her saying a word, Croft gathered her close, rocking her gently and stroking her hair and back. In a most unusual act, Finn burst into tears and buried her head in his neck, clinging to him and accepting his solace as he whispered kisses and murmured soft words of comfort in her ear. When the storm of tears had passed, he gently wiped their residual tracks from her cheeks with his thumbs and brushed his lips against hers.


“You knew I’d fall apart,” she accused softly.

“I knew when you felt completely safe, you’d let down your guard. I’m glad it happened now while I could be here for you. It’s just me, Finn. You have nothing you ever need to hide from me… nothing.” He grinned at her. “And if you ever lie to me or use those crocodile tears on me again, you and my belt will have an in-depth discussion why that is a bad idea.”

“Jackass,” she laughed.