This is Tyler's sister. Your teammate's sister. Off limits.
Just before she disappears into her treatment room, Ruby turns back, catching me mid-stare. I wave awkwardly, feeling heat creep up my neck. "Have fun," I call out, cringing at how forced it sounds.
She gives me a small smile and a nod before vanishing into the room.
I follow the attendant to my own room, my mind reeling. What the hell is happening? Ruby's not my type. Not at all. She's quiet, bookish, sarcastic – everything I usually avoid in women. So why can't I stop thinking about that kiss?
As I settle onto the massage table, I try to push thoughts of her out of my mind. Our kiss was just a moment of weakness, that's all. A fluke brought on by too much trust-falling and not enough common sense.
But even as I think it, I know I'm kidding myself. Because the truth is, I'm starting to see Ruby Brooks in a whole new light.
It’s strange. Uncomfortable. And distressing.
I’ve never had a ‘spa day’before. I’m so ready.
But what I'm not prepared for is the cheerful technician who greets me with, "So, are you ready for your Brazilian wax?"
I blink. I’m sure I misheard. "I'm sorry, but mywhat?"
She smiles brightly, gesturing to the treatment table. "Your Brazilian wax. It's part of your package."
Of course it is. Because nothing says "serenity" like having all your body hair ripped out by the roots.
"Oh," I say with a weak laugh. "I've never had one before."
The technician – her name tag reads 'Sunshine', because of course – waves off my concern. "Don't worry, honey. I'll be gentle. Now, let's get you ready."
Before I can protest, I find myself lying on the table, bare-assed, wondering how exactly I got here. As Sunshine chatters away about the benefits of waxing, I have a moment of doubt. But then I think, how bad could it really be?
Turns out, the answer is… bad. Excruciatingly bad.
After having me undress from the waist down, she puts me in a frog position with my legs splayed and my lady bits on full display. I want to slam my knees together when the air hits me there, but how else is Sunshine going to work her magic?
After cleaning me and rubbing a few different lotions on, which is weird in itself because she’s gettingall up in there, she smears some warm wax down one side of my labia. Guess they only do a bit at a time. That seems prudent. The wax itself is only slightly of warm and, actually feels kind of nice.
Then Sunshine picks up a strip of something, not sure if it’s paper or fabric, and places it right on the waxed area, which she rubs with her fingers. It’s a little weird, but I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.
Until I’m not.
With a quick whoosh, she pulls the paper off and even before the pain sets in, I see spots before my eyes and am certain I’m going to vomit. The intensity of the agony increases as if my poor body is only able to slowly realize what I’m doing to it
“HOLY FUCK!” I scream. “Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod. I can’t take it. STOP!”
But she doesn’t. "Breathe through it, honey," she says as she pulls open my labia to make sure I don’t have a forest growing inthere. "It'll be over in a couple minutes.”
Moving faster now, as if it would be a personal affront to her should I leave with my crotch half waxed and half hairy, she slaps her warm goo on my other side and does her thing with the paper before I can escape.
Then she asks about my butthole.
What in the actual fuck? How do women do this all the time?
I should get up and leave. I really should. I am under my own power and can do any damn thing I want. But the truth is, I am defeated. With neither pride nor dignity left, I allow Sunshine tolead me to my hands and knees in order to stick my ass in the air so she can clean me up between the cheeks.
I have a moment of clarity as hair I wasn’t aware I had is ripped from me—this is it. This is how I die. Not surrounded by my beloved books, but naked and afraid in a Costa Rican spa.