Page 42 of From Wink to Kink

I position myself in front of Ruby and Leaf, their arms interwoven behind me. I know this because I watched them prepare.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Let’s do this!” Leaf cheers.

I take a deep breath and let myself fall backward. For a heart-stopping moment, I'm sure I'm going to hit the ground. But then I feel hands on my back, strong and steady. They catch me like I knew they would.

“Thanks, guys,” I say.

Leaf shrugs one shoulder. “She did more work than me, my friend.” He pats Ruby on the back. You’re a strong one.”

Hmmm. I guess lifting library books will do that.

"What a stud you are,” I tease, ruffling her hair.

Ruby rolls her eyes as Leaf wanders off, but I can see relief on her face. "Don't get used to it, Newcomb. Your turn again."

We switch positions, and she’s buzzing, either with excitement or nervousness, or both. "Hey, I've got you, just like last time. Trust me," I say.

She nods, taking a shaky breath. Then falls.

I catch her easily, my arms wrapping around her waist. She's lighter than I expected, and the scent of her shampoo fills my senses.

"See?" I murmur. "Told you."

She turns her head to look at me, and suddenly we're face to face, noses nearly touching. Her eyes are wide, a deep blue. There's a smattering of freckles across her nose, barely visible unless you're close. Which I am. Very close.

For a moment, the world freezes. I'm painfully aware of every point of contact between us – my arms around her waist, her back pressed against my chest, her warm breath.

And then, before I can think better of it, I close the tiny distance between us and kiss her.

It's quick, almost chaste. Just a brush of the lips, really. But it sends a jolt through me like I've been hit by one of those giant bugs menacing our room last night.

When she stiffens, reality comes crashing back. Shit. What did I just do?

We spring apart like we've been electrocuted. Ruby's face is flushed, her eyes wide with shock. I'm sure I don't look much better.

"I... uh..." I stammer, running a hand through my hair. "Sorry, I don't know what..."

"It's fine," Ruby cuts me off, not meeting my eyes. "It was just... the moment, you know? Heat of the... trust fall."

"Right," I say, latching onto the excuse. "Exactly. Just a trust fall thing."

An awkward silence falls between us. Around us, other couples are still engaged in their exercises, oblivious to us.

"Hey," I say suddenly, desperate to break the tension. "I have a surprise. I booked us some spa treatments earlier. You know, as a... as a thank you for putting up with me. What do you say we blow off the rest of this workshop and go get pampered instead?"

Relief washes over her face. "God, yes. I mean... that sounds great. Thank you so much."

We make our excuses to Leaf, who looks disappointed but wishes us well on our ‘journey of relaxation and self-discovery.’ As we walk toward the spa, the awkwardness between us is thick as molasses.

We are greeted with a serene smile. "Ah, Mr. Newcomb, Ms. Brooks. We have you booked for our Couples' Serenity package. If you'll follow me, we'll get you started in separate treatment rooms."

I catch Ruby's eye, and we share a moment of mutual embarrassment. Couples' Serenity. Right.

As we're led down the hallway, I can't help but watch Ruby walk ahead of me. The yoga pants she's wearing are doing wonderful things for her...

Stop it, Newcomb. Don’t be an asshole.