Crawford gets up. He comes at me, but I’m ready for him. The adrenaline that is pumping through my veins takes over. I’m able to stop him as he tries to hit me with his shoulder in the stomach by grabbing him at his throat and slamming him down to the ground.
He tries to overpower me, but he can’t. Ty and he already went at it. I see a knife next to his leg when he tries to kick me. I pick it up and hold it to his throat. He stops moving.
“Call the cops,” I tell whoever is listening.
I look up to make sure the guys heard me.
My hand with the knife comes down and stabs him in the stomach.What did I just do? I don’t want to kill him.I pull it out and toss it to the side.
He needs to be behind bars for this shit.
No, fuck that. He deserves it.
He’s grunting, but he’s still trying to fight me. I grip his shirt and pull him up from the ground. He’s able to get some punches into the sides of my body, but there isn’t a lot of force behind them.
I punch him square in the face and go to follow him with my fists, but Dean and King are pulling me off him.
“He’s out. We need to find your girl,” Dean says.
I look around to see where my girl could be and I catch sight of the bottom of a sneaker at the corner a few feet away. I run over and find her.
Dropping to my knees, I hold my breath and check for a pulse.
Baby, please still be here with me.
I let out the breath I was holding when I feel her pulse under my fingers. Her chest slightly rises as she breathes.
Thank God.
Her feet are bound together by a single zip tie. Her hands have to be behind her back, bound as well.
I don’t want to move her because I don’t know where else she is injured. I can see the black and blue bruising that has already started to show on her face along with swelling.
Mother Fucker. I should move the few feet and kill him.
“Baby, I’m here. I’m sorry.” I whisper to her.
“Police and ambulance are here. Dean went to meet them.” Ty says.
The only thing I can do is nod. I can’t talk right now. I’m on the verge of losing it even more when I hear a grunt.
“Stay with her, Ty.” I tell him and walk back to where the waste of humanity is.
The rest of the guys are holding Crawford down.
I march right the fuck over to him. My anger is ready to explode on this piece of shit even more after seeing what he did to Adriana.
He looks up at me walking towards him and fucking smiles.
I deck him across the face. He slumps down and I grab him by the throat and squeeze until I’m being pulled off him once again.
This time it’s by police officers. I realize this and try to calm my shit down.
“Mr. Evans, we’re going to need you to step over here to talk to you.” One officer says.
The EMT’s are walking past me to go to Adriana. I go to follow them but the police officer grabs my arm and shakes his head.
“Please, I need to make sure she’s okay. I will talk to you all night after if I need to.” I calmly say.