He gives me the look of fine and follows me.
Adriana now has her legs and hands freed. They already have her on the stretcher, and her eyes are open.
The guys are there with her. I have the best brother and friends.
Dean moves from her side so I can take his place. I gently place my hand on top of hers, which causes her to slowly move her head in my direction.
“Baby, I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is my fault.” I say as my eyes well up with tears.
“No, it’s not.” She whispers.
“We need to get moving. We’re taking to her to get checked out at the E.R.” one of them says.
I must give a look because she’s shaking her head.
“Mr. Evans, Laine is our co-worker. I promise she is going to be taken care of,” she informs me.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can, Sugar.” I tell her and kiss her forehead.
They wheel her away, and every bone in my body tells me to stop them. The police officer who escorted me over to her looks at me and I know I need to handle this first. They caught me choking him.
“Thank you Officer. I needed to see for myself that she was okay.” I tell him.
“I understand. I’m officer Rowe. This is my partner, officer Collins.” He introduces them.
“I’m-“ I go to introduce myself but am stopped.
“We know who you are, Mr. Evans.” Office Collins says.
“Right. Sorry.”
“No need to be sorry. We help patrol the stadium during the games here and there.” he informs me.
“Thank you for that.” I say.
I don’t know what the hell is going to happen now. All I can think about is getting to the hospital to lay eyes on my girl.
“What happened prior to us walking in and what we saw?” Officer Rowe asks.
“The guys and I were at the driving range when my brother’s wife called me, asking if I was with Adriana. She is my girlfriend.” I clarify.
“I told them I wasn’t, and she told me she had come here to return the new mascot costume and was supposed to meet her back at the house. She wasn’t there and her phone was going straight to voicemail.” I recount.
“So you all came here to look for her?”
I nod my head and continue to tell them what happened from when we arrived at the stadium to when they walked in.
“Okay, thank you. Why don’t you go wait off to the side while we talk to everyone else one by one,” Rowe informs me.
I shake both their hands and walk off to the side. There is currently another team of EMT’s here.
I see Crawford being put on a stretcher and once it’s brought up to the normal height, there is another police officer cuffing him to the bars.
I smile slightly and think at least he won’t be getting away with this.
Ty comes to where I am and hugs me.
“She’s going to be fine. We got here in time, brother. I promise,” he tells me.