Page 79 of Tight End

June: Thanks, Kins. When it’s the right time, you’ll meet a guy who will sweep you off your feet.

Poppy: In the meantime, I can find you a few frogs. I’ve got an in with the football players.

June: I’d be afraid. You guys want to come over for dinner this week?

Poppy: Football daddy going to be there?

Poppy: Can he bring his large and muscular friends?

Poppy: These are very important questions.

Poppy: June.

Poppy: You’re so not funny.

Poppy: The answer to both of those better be yes.



I hang my head,letting the sweat pour down my face. My arms burn, and while a good workout usually leaves me feeling reinvigorated, I’m mentally exhausted.

I’m conflicted.

Opening up to June chipped away at the dam inside me, and a lot of the emotions I’ve had bottled up for years are oozing out. I’m not sure if I can close it, lock up all the bad shit from my past, and continue to pretend it doesn’t exist.

I’m not sure if I want to. I’m no psychologist, but I’m sure keeping everything inside like that isn’t healthy.

Besides, June needed to know. If I want to have a future with her and Oliver, one where we’re together, I need to be honest with her. I need to open up. She took everything in stride, and while I’m sure she has questions, she didn’t pity me.

She didn’t reject me.

But, you know, the more I think about it, these guys are my family too. Gunner. Theo. Vaughn. Hell, even Heath Remington, our new guy. It’s his first week here, but he seemsgreat, and his brother, Rhett, is a good friend. They deserve to know the truth about my past, about Caitlin.

Dean, too, but since he chose the lesser sport—a.k.a. hockey—he’s not here now.

But they really should know.

Maybe, just maybe, it’ll take away some of the weight I’ve been carrying around since her death—the sorrow, the blame, the loss. It’s all been there, festering away under the surface.

They say time heals all wounds, and while there’s a part of me that thinks it’s bullshit, the pain has lessened over the years. I’m not sure I was strong enough to have these conversations when I first met June.

Letting her go was something I’ve always regretted, but in truth, I wasn’t ready for her.

For us.

I can only hope I am now.

“For a man who finally got laid, I’d think you’d be a little happier.” Gunner nudges me out of the way, taking my place on the weight bench. He stretches his arms over his head, and this time when he glances at me, he rolls his eyes. “It’s not like it’s been years or something. Oh, wait. It has.”

“Fuck off,” I grumble, moving behind the bench to spot him. I’d be tempted to leave his ass, but there’s no way I’d risk injuring our starting quarterback. He’s lucky he’s valuable. Coach Wolfe would absolutely have my ass.

Heath looks over at me, his brows nearly in his hairline. “Were you on a pussy sabbatical or something? Too many jersey chasers?”

Once upon a time, I’d have told him there was no such thing as too many jersey chasers, but after meeting June, the thought of sleeping with random women held zero appeal. Idon’t need to tell him this—he’s young and I’m sure all about the adoring fans. But turns out I don’t need to because Gunner has a reply locked and loaded.

“It was all self-imposed. Devlin is a complete simp for this girl.”