It’s time I stand up for myself.
“I think we need to talk about my future.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven
June: Sorry, girls, I won’t be around for lunch.
Poppy: What? What happened? Is Mom making you work through lunch again?
June: Nope.
June: I quit.
Kinsley: What!?!?!?! You finally did it?
Kinsley: I am so unbelievably proud of you.
Poppy: Dad just ran out of his office cackling. I think this just made his day.
Poppy: Are you okay? How do you feel about it? How did Momtake it?
June: Are you kidding? She’s pissed. Like epically pissed. She lectured me for probably thirty minutes and then gave me some work to sort like I had magically changed my mind.
June: I politely told her I was no longer her employee, grabbed my bag, and left. And yes, I offered her a two-week notice, but she wanted six months. There’s no way I’m doing that.
June: I feel great. Free.
Kinsley: I’m impressed. Does football daddy know?
June: Not yet, but he knew it was coming. I’m sure we’re going to be talking about it when he gets home this afternoon.
Kinsley: Speaking of, I’m bummed I didn’t get to come over the other night. Was my future husband there? Do you think I’ll have some luck if I start calling him that? Is it working for you, June?
June: He was there. And I plead the fifth.
Poppy: Shut up!
Poppy: You had sex with him, didn’t you?
Kinsley: Please tell me that’s true.
June: It might be.
Poppy: So does this mean you’re officially dating? Like together together?
June: Mom was thrilled to find out. Honestly, I’m not sure. I feel like we’re together but we haven’t officially had the talk yet. It feels soon ... but he might be the one.
Poppy: Of course he is! I had to hear about him for four years after you had sex the first time. You know how many one-night stands I had in college? Several. You know how many of them I thought of after they got dressed and walked out my door? None.
Kinsley: She’s got a point. I may not remember what a real dick feels like at this point in my life, but for what it’s worth, I agree.
Poppy: We’ve got to get you on some dating apps or something. I’m sad for you, Kins.
Kinsley: Don’t think many guys want to date a girl who’s raising her deaf brother because her parents are dead.
Kinsley: Sorry, that brought down the vibe.
Kinsley: I’m very happy for you, June.