And yes, those were his exact words.
Email sent. I clear out my junk folder. Michael fixes his tie. Trash needs to be deleted too. He’s smoothing down his jacket. I should refresh things for good measure.
When there’s nothing left to do, I turn to him with a smile. “Good morning, Mr. Fitzpatrick. How are you?”
He clears his throat again, his hands going back into his pockets. He glances to the ground, and at least he has the good sense to look stricken. “I’m sorry about the other night?”
“Which part?” I fold my arms on top of the desk, still doing my best to smile. “Picking the restaurant? Insisting I order a glass of wine? Or when you ditched me for football tickets?”
He gulps, tugging at the collar of his pretentious pinstripe dress shirt. “The last one.”
“Water under the bridge. I’d hate to make things awkward since we work together, but I hope you understand that wewill not be going out a second time.” Not that it was a question, but I don’t want him getting any sort of ideas. “Have a good day, Mr. Fitzpatrick. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”
He stands there frozen, staring at me. His mouth opens and closes several times before he gives me a tight nod and heads off to his office. Or at least I’m assuming. I really don’t care.
But I do take out my phone because this seems like the perfect opportunity to rile Ryan up.
Me: So, Michael stopped by my desk.
It doesn’t take long for his response.
Ryan: And?
Me: Oh, it was nothing, really.
Ryan: We’re watching tape right now. I could easily leave practice if he needs me to have a conversation with him.
Me: I don’t know, aside from your excellent taste in women, I’m not sure you have much in common.
Ryan: It’s not going to be a friendly chat.
Me: That’s going to make it real awkward in the break room.
Ryan: If you’re trying to get a rise out of me, it’s working.
Me: Why would I do that?
Ryan: What did Michael say to you, June?
Me: A little bit of this. A little bit of that.
Ryan: June . . .
Me: He tried to apologize and I basically told him to (excuse my language) fuck off.
Ryan: That’s my girl.
Ryan: It’s so hot when you swear. It’s even better when I’m balls deep in that sweet pussy of yours.
Me: Real talk, are you sure you’d be okay if I quit this week?
Ryan: I want you to be happy and I know running your studio does that. The guys are already talking about going to regular classes. You said yesterday you need to find more time for regular classes. I’m behind whatever you want to do.
Me: You’re the best.
Ryan: I know.