Page 60 of Pawns of Salistya

‘Nothing. I am merely a note-taker in this meeting. I apologise for adding my coppers worth in, I will return to my task. Where was I?’ he tapped the pen on his chin, feigning deep thought. He raised the pen as his eyes lit up and returned to writing, ‘Oh. Right. The King of Marlyst used his hands to signal ‘no’ and ‘equipment’ before–’

‘That section won’t be required in the meeting notes,’ Xylan winced, cutting off Ramone.

‘Then how do you suggest I explain King Eliasson throwing a coffee cup at your head and missing?’ Ramone blinked innocently.

‘It’ll simply look as though he’s very passionate about pitchforks. That, or he’s psychotic. Both options are correct.’ Xylan shrugged, deliberately setting things off again.

As Eliasson launched into another heated exchange with Xylan, I made eye contact with Ramone. He threw me an amused grin and a wink. Mission to divert the attention off Valare: successful. I loved this man. Maybe I could convince Qynthia to let him join the Arloman ranks as our scribe. The Goddess knows I needed more allies.

‘Back to the matter at hand,’ Eliasson’s voice boomed. ‘Presuming the vote is in favour of cross-collaboration, the equipment supply situation will become even more of an issue. How do you suggest resolving this?’

‘This is a business transaction, Eliasson. I provide you with equipment if it’s available. Currently, there’s a shortage of materials. If it’s not available, that’s on you to figure out how your Dom will proceed.’

Coming from anyone else, Xylan’s statement would be just that, a statement. But from him, right now? There was a challenge in those words. Like he was assessing how Eliasson would bounce back.

The room looked on silently, waiting to see how Eliasson would counter Xylan’s challenge. Would he simply take his word for it? Or fight back? Either way, I was staying out of it. My gut was telling me I was the last person who should interfere here.

‘We have a fair bit of equipment currently out of service that our people don’t have the skills to fix. With a bit of work, we should be able to have them reinstated to their former glory,’ Eliasson thought out loud, arms crossed. ‘I could organise for them to be delivered to the blacksmith villages in the south of your Dom.’

I saw a flash of approval in Xylan’s eyes before he donned a mask of indifference. ‘It’ll cost you.’

Eliasson scoffed. ‘It’ll costme?Last I checked, it’s your Dom’s responsibility to ensure mine have the tools to provide food for the rest of the continent.’

‘That is correct. However, you didn’t hear me complaining when you informed us that our wine shipments would be halted for the next week or so,’ Xylan countered, raising an unimpressed brow.

‘You can’t compare the two!’ Eliasson spluttered. ‘Wine is a luxury, farming equipment is essential.’

‘Speak for yourself. After this Forum, wine is a pre-requisite for keeping my sanity in check,’ Xylan remarked. This man was outrageous.

Orlandia and the Nyarelleans chuckled. I pursed my lips, suppressing my own giggle, conscious of Eliasson and Slaviya’s eyes burning holes through me.

After it was apparent Eliasson would not gift him a response to his dramatic comments, Xylan relented. ‘Fine, I’ll take a personal delivery of your next batch of wine in exchange for my blacksmith’s services.’

Eliasson rolled his eyes. ‘Consider it done. I’ll deliver it personally.’

‘Dashing as you are, Eliasson, I’m not interested in a personal delivery from you.’

‘Who, then?’ Eliasson demanded.

I felt my cheeks heat as Xylan focused his attention on me.

‘Be reasonable,’ Eliasson growled, perfectly reading what he was alluding to. He placed a possessive arm over my shoulders, pulling me tight against his side. I suppressed a surprised noise at his overt claim. What’s gotten into him?

‘I’m nothing if not reasonable.’ Xylan purposefully drew out the moment.

I scowled, folding my arms as I shrugged Eliasson’s arm off me. I wasn’t impressed with either of them right now. I wasn’t a piece of meat to be bartered with. I could almost feel their egos growing as they stared at one another. Testosterone filled the air, making me tempted to react with a dramatic gagging noise. They were being ridiculous.

A grin formed on the King of Marlyst’s face as he stared directly at me. ‘It will be delivered by your Queen,’ he said.

I gaped at him, wondering what he was playing at.

‘No,’ Eliasson snarled.

Xylan feigned disappointment. ‘Are you going back on your word King Eliasson? You’ve agreed to delivery. I can assure you that your precious wife will be safe in my Dom. It would be an opportunity for her to see part of the Marlyst Kingdom.’

‘No,’ he said. ‘Valare isn’t leaving Arlom without me.’ His voice rung with finality.

I wanted to scream and remind them that I’m right here and capable of making my own decisions.