Page 61 of Pawns of Salistya

‘Oh? Is that so?’ Xylan tutted. ‘Well, I guess there’s no deal then.’

Eliasson released some colourful curse words under his breath as his fists clenched by his sides. I could see him fighting himself, weighing his options. Xylan was being difficult and clearly wasn’t willing to compromise with this. And Eliasson knew he had to get this across the line otherwise his farmers would struggle. The question was, would he choose to help his people or choose to keep me in Arlom, away from Xylan.

It didn’t surprise me one bit when he chose the former. He always placed the needs of his Dom above his own.

‘Fine. Valare will deliver your wine on the condition that you’ll be at the border to escort her. I won’t compromise on her safety while she’s in another Dom,’ he responded.

I wanted to tell him that my safety wasn’t his concern. Never has been, and never will be. Plus, I can take care of myself just fine.

‘Of course,’ Xylan taunted. ‘I’ll personallysee to her wellbeing.’

Did I want to know what his version of ‘seeing to my wellbeing’ was? Partly yes. Partly no.

I stood, raising my voice before Eliasson could interject or Xylan poked him further. ‘Well, now that you two have talked about me like I’m not here, I’m requesting a break. I need to get away from the insufferable amount of testosterone in the air.’

Laughter filled the room as I took my leave to hide behind a pillar as the others walked out, not wanting them to see where I would go. But Eliasson and Xylan stayed behind.

I caught the eyes of Mer, who was walking past, holding a bundle of linen. I grabbed her, pulling her next to me. Miming for her to zip her lips, I pointed to the room I’d just vacated.

‘What the fuck are you playing at Xy?’ I heard Eliasson demand. I didn’t know they were on a nickname basis.

‘I’m not playing. I’m simply claiming what’s mine. And simultaneously reminding you what isn’t yours,’ Xylan replied fiercely before storming out of the room.

Damn.Our jaws dropped, eyes widened in mutual shock.

‘What the fuck was that?’ Mer mouthed.

What the fuck, indeed.

Chapter 25

Iknew he would come. I was as certain of it as the next breath I would take. He’d been trying to catch me since the confrontation and before tomorrow’s vote but I wasn’t having a bar of him. Not after the egotistical display with Eliasson. My mental shields were tightly locked down at all times. I knew they were impenetrable, even to someone with his powers. Which was good because I needed to mask my rage. For now.

‘So, this is where you come to escape the politics.’ Xylan said as he looked around, taking in the waves calmly lapping on the shore. They were a complete juxtaposition to how I was feeling.

‘One of many spots, I’ll have you know. Can’t be too predictable. I do have a reputation to uphold, after all.’ I cast a side-eyedglance towards him and got a chuckle in return. It confirmed I had successfully hidden the raging inferno inside of me from him.

‘May I?’ he gestured to the patch of sand next to me.

‘Only if you correctly answer this question.’ It took all my self-control to stop my lips from twitching upwards into a smile as I toyed with him, instead pasting on a serious face. I still liked his company, after all. Damn True Infinite bond.

Xylan raised his eyebrow in response. ‘Oh?’

‘Have an unlimited supply of wine or be able to readOnce Upon a Woodsover and over like you’re reading it for the first time?’

Without missing a beat, he scoffed, ‘Must one choose?’

‘My thoughts exactly. You have permission to sit.’

He held my eyes as he sat down, his face showing delight. But there was also a flicker of hesitation. Was he picking up on my emotions?

‘That’s a lot of pressure to put on a man, Valare. Are your questions always this intense?’ he joked.

I cocked my head to the side, quietly assessing him. ‘I don’t mess around when it comes toOnce Upon a Woods, nor do I mess around with who I allow to sit on my private beach. You should know most don’t leave unscathed.’

‘Well, lucky I like a challenge,’ he countered, those pale pink eyes holding me captive. The eyes of a liar. For the first time, I wondered how he’s masking the true colour of his eyes. ‘And what does scathed look like to you?’

‘Oh, Pretty Boy, you really don’t want to know,’ I succumbed, responding to his flirtatious banter.