Page 98 of Escorted

They clungtogether, gasping and kissing with sloppy ardor as she became aware ofsomething she’d never experienced before.

Ander’s semeninside her.

He hadcollapsed on top of her, not pulling off as he always had before. He buried hisface against her hair and neck, muttering out incoherent endearments as theyboth tried to pull themselves together.

Lori couldn’tremember anything ever feeling as good as his hot, heavy, sated, softening bodyon hers. She’d never gotten to feel him this way. Never gotten to experienceanything after the orgasm.

When he finallyheaved some of his weight off her and met her eyes, his expression wasn’t whatshe expected. His features were delicious relaxed, but she saw a flicker ofdisappointment in his eyes.

“I’m sorry itwasn’t any better,” he said, sounding awkward and hoarse.

For a moment, Lori’schest hurt so brutally she couldn’t breathe. “You didn’t think it was good?”

He stared,blinking several times. “Of course, it was good for me. It was—I don’t havewords to describe it. But I could barely even make it until you came.” His facetwisted, painfully embarrassed. “Pathetic.”

“Oh,” Lorigrowled, suddenly so mad she could scratch him. “Juststop it.”

Ander blinkedat her again. He was still propped up above her. His sated cock hadn’t evenslipped all the way out of her, and she felt a gush of fluid where they werejoined. “What?”

“I said juststop it.” She took his face in her hands in an attempt to make him understand.“Your role here isn’t to please me. Just get that out of your head. Your roleis tobewith me. We please each other. And don’t you ever act like I’mexpecting a certain kind of performance. You’re not that man anymore. That’snot the way we are together now. So juststop it.”

Ander stared ather for a long time, and she saw something torn in his expression. Then hismouth started to twitch in that expression she so loved. “Right,” he murmured.“I guess you told me.”

She pulled himdown into a hug. “It was amazing, Ander. Truly. Better than...than anything.”

“Yeah,” hebreathed, pressing kisses into her hair. “For me too.”

They laytangled together and kissed for several minutes, until Lori felt aninexplicable sensation between her legs.

“Oh,” shegasped, jerking her lips away from his and trying to focus on what she felt.

Ander murmured,“Hmm?” as he edged a hand between their bodies to squeeze her breast.

“You’re gettinghard again. That’s quick!”

With narrowedeyes, he drawled, “Have I ever given you reason to doubt my powers of recoverybefore.”

“No,” sheadmitted with a snicker. “But this seems really quick. Yay me!”

Ander’s bodyshook with stifled laughter and he leaned down to kiss her again, his tonguestroking deeply and hungrily.

By the time hepulled out of the kiss, he had hardened all the way in her wet, sensitivechannel. He helped her adjust her legs so they were bent up with her heelspressing against his ass.

The positionlet him sink inside her more deeply, and they both moaned at the penetration.

Anderstraightened his arms, pulling his chest off of hers a little. And he startedto thrust with a slow, pleasing rhythm. Every stroke of his body sent tinglesof sensation to a newly growing orgasm at her core.

As they movedtogether, they held gazes, and she saw everything she needed to know in hiseyes. She had no idea how she’d gone so long without seeing, without knowing,without realizing the kind of man Ander really was.

He wasn’t acool man, despite the pretense he put on. He was a passionate man who’d learnednot to be.

But now she sawreal passion in his eyes, in his expression. And it matched the depth ofpassion in her own heart.

He moved overher rhythmically until she came, arching up and gasping out his name, and thenhe kept thrusting with a deep, naked tenderness until she felt her body clenchup once again.

Drowning in feeling—bothemotional and physical—Lori’s irony came to save her. A spark of memoryinspired her and she adjusted her hands so they were clinging to his shoulders.

Then shestarted to tap the fingers of one hand in quick succession on his shoulder.