Lori was so relieved by Ander’sanswer that she couldn’t stop herself from kissing him. It turned out to be agood idea.
Ander kissedher back with a fervor that took her by surprise. And, after a few minutes ofkissing in the doorway to the bedroom, they stumbled over to the bed withoutany further reflection or discussion. With some muttered cursing from Ander andsome giggling from Lori, they managed to yank off all of their clothes whilestill kissing and caressing each other.
Then finallythey were naked in the bed together, with Ander settled between her thighs andher arms twined around his neck. It had been so long, and it felt so familiar.But the look in Ander’s eyes wasn’t familiar. He’d never looked at her likethis when they’d had sex before.
It wasn’t justhot, hungry, or needy. It was tender and possessive both. Like she waseverything to him—everything he’d ever wanted. She still occasionally caught aflicker of anxiety but it didn’t get in the way. She was a little afraidtoo—her hands were shaky as she stroked his back and the curve of his head, butthe nervousness didn’t matter.
Lori’s heartfelt like it was flying with a joy too rich for giddiness, and her body wasresponding quickly. She hadn’t had sex in months. And, while she’d made gooduse of the vibrator Ander had given her almost a year ago, it just wasn’t thesame.
But now Anderwas here. His body was hot and heavy on hers, and his flesh was solid anddeliciously tight.
“Oh, Lori,” Andersaid, his voice already thick with desire. He’d pulled out of the deep kiss andwas trailing his mouth down her neck toward her breasts. “Fuck, you feelincredible. You have no idea how good you feel.”
She whimperedin response to his words, and then arched up as his mouth closed around one ofher nipples. He sucked and flicked his tongue until jolts of pleasure shot downto her heated arousal.
When she wasclawing at his neck, he finally pulled his lips away and mouthed his way downher belly and back up to her other breast. Soon, Lori was gasping and mewingand trying to rub her groin against his thigh.
Ander spent along time on foreplay. While she was desperately eager to have him inside her,she understood his moving slow.
So she let himkiss and fondle her until she was sopping wet, writhing, and flushed from headto toe. She clutched frantically at Ander’s head, which was pressed againsther belly. One of his hands was tweaking her sensitized nipple while the otherwas massaging the back of her knee.
“Ander,” shebegged at last, wound so tight she was afraid she was going to come just fromforeplay. “Ander, please, I can’t wait anymore.”
He gruntedagainst her abdomen and then slowly raised his head, as if it was too heavy tolift. His eyes were glazed, and his face deeply flushed. He took a few raspybreaths and stared down at her, sprawled wantonly beneath him. “Yeah,” he saidhoarsely. “Neither can I.”
With eagerhands, she helped him position himself between her legs. His cock was fullyerect, so hard she was afraid to touch it. So she let him line himself up ather entrance and push the tip of his cock inside.
His eyes methers. They were still a little glazed, but she could see the blaze of emotionand the flare of fear mingled in their depths.
“Me too,” shebreathed, tightening her arms around him. “Ander, me too.”
He understood.He pitched his hips forward.
Nothing betweenthem now. Nothing at all.
Lori cried outloudly on the initial penetration. Her channel stretched pliantly with theintimate intrusion, but she was tight and he felt so substantial. It didn’thurt. It was just all so overwhelming.
After the firstsurge of aching sensation, her long restrained lust took over.
Whimpering withpleasure and need, she pumped her hips beneath him involuntarily, too far goneto even wait for him to thrust.
“Lori,” Anderchoked out, his arms bent and his mouth right at her ear. “Fuck, Lori. You’re...You’re...Ohfuck.” His hips started to move with hers, their motion fast, clumsy and wild.
Lori waspractically sobbing in pleasure, need, and emotion. They were out of controland wouldn’t last long, but it was so much better than it had ever been before.
She knew Andercared for her. He knew she cared for him. And they were sharing something farmore than their bodies.
“Ander,” shegasped, her back arching up as her pelvis bucked shamelessly beneath his. Shewas so wet she could hear the wet noise of suction, beneath the slapping oftheir skin together and the shaking of the bed. “Ander, gonna come. Oh, God!Make me come.”
Ander releaseda groan so loud it was almost a shout. His hips pistoned against hers, his cocksliding inside her clinging channel in tight, primal thrusts. “Lori. I can’t...Fuck,Lori. Come, baby. Come for me.”
His hoarse,uneven words were the most erotic thing she’d ever heard. The pressure at hercenter coiled up so tightly she couldn’t keep quiet. She made helpless,rhythmic sounds—something between gasps, sobs, and screams.
And then shedid scream, as the tension finally broke.
Ander came withher, her clenching inner walls trapping him inside her and pulling him intoclimax too. She cried out Ander’s name with a lot of other wordless sounds asher body bent back like a bow and her pelvis kept riding out the spasms of herpleasure.
Because Andercame at the same time she did, all she was conscious of was his twisting face,the shuddering tremors that ran through his body, and the breathtaking look ofshattering release in his eyes. The choked sounds he made as he came weremuffled by her flesh, since he bent his head forward to bite the dip of hershoulder.