Page 82 of Escorted

“The condom,”she said hoarsely, pushing gently against his shoulders to get him to roll off.

Ander didn’tmove immediately. He lay on top of her until he could no longer ignore hernudging. Then he held the condom in place and pulled his sated cock out of herwith a groan. He was about to get up from the bed when Lori stopped him. “I’llget it.”

She needed toget away from him for a minute, so she hurried into his bathroom. Afterthrowing away the condom, she turned on the water in the sink. Washed her handsand then splashed water on her hot, red face.

She tried tobreathe deeply as she stared at herself in the mirror, her heart churning withconfusion and fear, reluctance and something akin to joy. A stranger withmussed hair, glowing cheeks, damp skin, and wild green eyes stared back at her.

She wanted torun away, to get away from the foreign intimacy of Ander’s apartment and gohome to crawl under her own covers where it was safe. But Ander was waiting forher in bed. And he’d been emotionally ripped to shreds this evening. He’d saidhe wanted her to stay.

She couldn’tleave him alone.

So she steeledher courage and returned to the bed, where Ander was sprawled out, half under asheet. His body was relaxed and his face looked warm and a little groggy. Buthis blue-gray eyes were knowing and observant as he watched her approach.

“It’s aftertwelve,” he said. “You can leave if you want.”

She wondered ifpart of him wanted her to leave. It didn’t matter. She knew that wasn’t what heneeded. So she turned off the lights, crawled under the sheet beside him andpressed her body up against his. “I’m tired.”

With a longsigh, Ander wrapped an arm around her and adjusted her more comfortably at hisside. “Me too.”

That was allthey said. She rested her head on his chest and idly stroked his belly untilher eyes drooped.

Ander wasn’tasleep. He was relaxed but still conscious. Even on the edge of sleep, sheliked the way he held her, as if she were cherished, as if he wasn’t going tolet her go.

She fell asleepthat way, and she didn’t wake up until morning.

She was stillsnuggled up against Ander, her cheek hot from where it was pressed against Ander’sskin and her arms stiff from the awkward position they’d settled in. She feltcozy though. Protected. Utterly safe.

When her mindstarted to clear, she remembered what had happened the night before. She liftedher head and saw that Ander was asleep, his eyes closed, his features soft, andhis breathing slow and even.

She watched himfor a minute and was tempted to press a kiss against his mouth.

But it wasmorning now. The sun was streaming in through the windows. And she couldn’thide in delusions or excuses anymore.

So she gentlyextricated herself from Ander’s embrace. Every time she drew away, he mumbledsomething and unconsciously tried to pull her back in place. She was flusteredwhen she finally managed to get out of the big, antique bed.

She grabbed herclothes and ran into the bathroom. Stared at the wild-eyed, wild-hairedstranger in the mirror again.

Lori Addison.Six months ago she’d been a virgin, and now she was crazy about her gigolo.

She’d beenresisting the truth ever since she felt its presence—since it would mean thateverything had to change— but she couldn’t pretend anymore.

For too long,she’d looked forward to her time with Ander, enjoying the pleasure, intimacy,companionship, and satisfaction while ignoring everything else.

But she’d takenwillful ignorance as far as it would go.

She couldn’t beAnder’s client anymore.


Lori stood next to the frontdesk of the hotel in which she and Ander had spent so many evenings, waitingfor the assistant manager to return with her overnight bag.

She’d left itthere three nights ago. After checking into the room, she’d dropped off herthings—her lingerie and toiletries—on the assumption that she and Ander wouldreturn to the room after ice skating. She’d thought she was being verypractical and efficient, avoiding the necessity of lugging the bag around withher, but they’d never made it back to the hotel. And she’d completely forgottenabout it until a member of the hotel staff called to let her know they wereholding the bag until she could claim it.

It felt odd—beingin the hotel again. Every detail of the marble entryway floor and the elegantdécor of the lobby was familiar. But she doubted she’d ever reserve a room atthis hotel again. It reminded her of Ander.

Who hadn’treplied to her email.

Telling himthat she could no longer engage his services had been painful. He’d been awakeand sitting up in the bed when she returned from the bathroom that morning. Andhis eyes were knowing and wise.