Page 81 of Escorted

Ander was fullyerect, and Lori reached out greedily to squeeze him with both hands. He gruntedand jerked his hips against her touch.

While shefondled his cock, he slid his hand between her thighs and penetrated her withtwo fingers. Her passage was wet and aching and it fluttered a little around Ander’sfingers. Lori moaned with embarrassing abandon.

Something in Ander’seyes ignited, even as his body remained coiled with that same agonizinglyleashed tension. He pushed her thighs apart and situated his hips between them.Lori waited in breathless anticipation while he aligned his cock at herentrance.

He’d actuallybegun to penetrate her when he jerked his pelvis back with a strangled sound.“Fuck! Condom.”

Lori couldn’tbelieve she had almost forgotten. Couldn’t believeAnderhad forgotten.

Ander heldhimself perfectly still and took a few agonized breaths. Seeing his condition, Lorirolled out from under him. “I’ll get them. Are they in the nightstand?”

“No. My case.”Sweating and with a slightly glazed expression, Ander gestured toward thefamiliar leather case that was set on the floor near the closet.

Vaguelysurprised that he didn’t keep condoms in the drawer of his nightstand, Loriscrambled off the bed and ran over to grab a few foil packets out of his case.

When shereturned to the bed, Ander was still holding himself with rigid control. So sheopened the condom and reached over to stroke his hard cock. He sucked in hisbreath as her fingers brushed against his distended flesh. Then she carefullyrolled the condom down over his length.

Ander releasedanother groan as he settled himself once more between her legs. This time, hedidn’t hesitate. Just lined up his cock and slid himself home with a longthrust.

Lori cried outand arched up at the sudden, thick penetration. He felt so good, so full, sodeep that she whimpered and wrapped her legs around his hips, trying twice tohook her ankles to keep her clasp on him secure.

Ander eased hisarms under her shoulders, holding her in an embrace as his mouth found hers oncemore. Their kiss was deep and sloppy as Ander began to pump his hips.

Lori squeezedhim with her arms, her legs, and her pussy. Held him as tightly as she could.Couldn’t keep herself quiet as emotion, pleasure, and exquisite tension builtup inside her—so hopelessly tangled together she would never be able to sortthem out.

Ander kepttrying to kiss her, but his intensifying thrusting kept tearing their lipsapart. He grunted, much louder and more primitively than usual. Each time hedrove into her, bumping their groins together, he released another rough,guttural sound.

The sound ofhis lack of control pushed Lori’s pleasure even higher. The sensations fromtheir urgent rocking bodies, his cock rubbing roughly against her inner walls,and his greedy mouth and tongue moving against hers all collected into a deeppressure at her center.

She was closeto orgasm. And with every push of Ander’s tight body, shaking the bed and herwith it, she got closer and closer.

His heat, hisneed, and his tension overwhelmed her, blurring her vision and throbbingthrough her veins. She’d never seen him like this. Never felt him like this.

Never felt likethis in her life.

She arched herspine as her pleasure started to crest. Instead of closing all the way, hereyes flew open on a taken breath.

And, in thatrawest moment, she saw everything in Ander’s eyes. Heat and need andhelplessness and rage and desire and loss and primitive power. All of it,there, in his eyes.

And sheknew—sheknew—he needed this even more than she did. She knew that thiswas his only channel, his only outlet, his only lifeline against the desperateturmoil of his pain. He wasn’t just finding pleasure or escape in her body. Hewas finding something lost in himself.

She came onthat knowledge, crying out helplessly from the shattering edge of her pleasure,of her need and his.

Ander choked,“Oh fuck! Oh Lori!” as his hips jerked hard against the tightened clasp of herchannel. In the blurred aftermath of her release, Lori was conscious of Ander’sface twisting in a losing battle for control.

Then he criedout too, roughly and right in her ear, as he pushed through the last of hisleashed tension.

She’d neverheard him so loud, so completely out of control. She didn’t think he saidanything in that loud exclamation. But he did the moment afterwards, as hiswhole body pulsed with his coming and his hips twisted wantonly, grinding hisgroin against hers. She heard the rasp of his voice, soft and too low todistinguish. She felt his breath against her ear but didn’t hear the words ashe spoke them with the crash of his climax.

It was only amoment’s frustration as her body became to soften beneath his. She clung tohim, just as tightly as before, already hating the moment when he’d pull out ofher.

He didn’t moveimmediately. His head tilted down so he could press kisses against her throat. Loriarched into them, arched into the hot, damp press of his weight.

She knew theircoupling tonight had been different than anything they’d shared before. Sheloved the feel of that difference, loved the way Ander had reached out to herin naked need.

But she didn’tknow what it meant. Or even if she should pay him for tonight.

A flutter offear awoke in her chest as she started to process the reality of her feelingsand the hopeless trap in which she’d tangled herself by falling for the man shepaid to fuck her.