That sat thatway for a long time, their arms gripping tightly and Lori draped across his lapwith her face buried against his shoulder. Her emotions built too high, spilledout involuntarily from her eyes. She wept silently for a minute, aching for himand aching for her inability to change things.
Ander’s bodywas as hot and hard as ever. He smelled of effort and intensity—a familiarscent that spoke to Lori deeply. His arms tightened around her with a nakedstrength that threatened to crack her ribs. She didn’t care. She loved it. Andshe hugged him back just as desperately.
After a longtime, he finally started to shift beneath her. His face had been pressedagainst her neck and her hair, but he lifted it and loosened his arms.
Reluctantly, Loripulled back, peering up at him with trembling lips and stinging eyes.
Something aboutthe haunted emptiness of his gaze changed as he saw her face. He lifted a handand brushed his fingertips along one of her cheeks. Then stared down at themoisture from her tears on his skin.
“Are these forme?” he breathed, sounding either astonished or awed.
She choked backanother little sob at his inability to believe that she would care enough for himto cry. “Ander,” she pleaded, taking his face in both of her shaky hands.“Please let me help.”
With a gutturalsound, he tightened his arms around her again, but this time he found her lipsin a desperate, hungry kiss.
Lori felt justas desperate, just as hungry, and she returned the kiss with equal ardor. Shekept his face in her hands as she opened to the urgent advance of his tongue, andshe moaned into his mouth as his hands started to trace over her body.
His mouth andhis touch weren't skillful and considered, as they had always been before. Hiscaresses were fumbling, almost clumsy, and his kiss was openly needy. But, ifpossible, Lori’s body responded even more quickly. His greedy hands on herbreasts, her hips, her thighs teased her into an aching arousal. And she wasafraid she would drown in the kiss. Finally she had to free her lips so shecould gasp desperately against his neck.
She discoveredher own hands were just as clutching as his, gripping at his head and trying tofeel every inch of its smooth surface. The texture beneath her fingertips wasoverwhelming, and the coiled tension in Ander’s body was so different thanshe’d ever felt before. The tension wasn’t just arousal. Wasn’t lust orimpatience.
It wasemotion.He couldn’t express it in words, but she could feel it pulsing through him. Andit thrilled and terrified her both.
Ander pushedher backward enough to give his lips access to her chest. He hungrily mouthedhis way down to her breasts and suckled through the fabric of her top.
Lori let herhead fall back and moaned helplessly, as her need built up even higher.
On the verge oflosing control, Lori pushed him away and then grabbed his head again to capturehis mouth in another kiss. This time, they both moaned deep in their throats asthey groped and frantically rubbed their bodies against each other.
“Ander,” Lorigasped at last, afraid that Ander or her own need for him would completelydevour her. “Do you want to go to bed?”
One of Ander’shands had pushed in between her thighs and was cupping her groin through herpants. “Oh, fuck, Lori,” he gritted out as she ground herself against his hand.
“Ander?” Sheclawed at the back of his neck but tried to rein in her desires so she could bethere in any way Ander needed.
“Lori,” Ander rasped,staring into her eyes for a moment with such naked longing she couldn’tbreathe. Then he claimed her lips again with a low groan.
She whimperedas his kiss grew deeper and more ravenous. When a flare of terror shot throughher, she broke away. Momentarily, she wasn’t sure she was strong enough to dealwith the depth and intensity of Ander’s need.
Losing herlips, he buried his face in her hair. She heard him inhaling deeply. Like hewas smelling her hair. Smellingher.
The sounddispelled the surge of fear and she took his face in her hands one more time. “Ander,do you want to go to bed?”
She was so usedto his always asking her what she wanted, letting her guide all thedecision-making, that this new dynamic was hard to process. But she waited as Andermanaged to compose himself enough to answer.
He saidgruffly, “Yes. I do.”
Before Loricould reply, Ander adjusted her body, heaved himself up, and then lifted her upinto his arms. She clung to his neck, startled and unsteady and a littleexhilarated.
He carried herto his bed, laid her down, and immediately moved over her, parting her legs togive himself space and lowering his face for another kiss.
She clung tohim, wrapping her legs around his hips and holding onto him as tightly as shecould. They kissed frantically for a couple of minutes. Then Ander started topull off Lori’s clothes.
He didn’t wastetime with foreplay or delicacy. He bunched up her shirt and swiftly maneuveredit over her head. Then he yanked on her pants and panties. He fumbled with herbra until he managed to yank it off.
She’d neverseen him this uncontrolled. This lacking in skill and consideration. It didnothing to diminish her desire for him, however. Instead, it further fed herown need.
She clawed athis clothes, futilely trying to undress him as he worked on hers. When she wasnaked, Ander helped Lori with his buttons and belt and zipper. Together, theypushed off his shirt, trousers, and boxers—tossing them sloppily onto the floorwith Lori’s clothes.