She could feeltremors run through Ander’s body. Both of his hands had fisted now—one in thebedding and one in her hair. His hips were rocking very slightly,involuntarily. And his face was flushed and twisted with what looked likeeffort and pleasure.
“Lori,” hechoked out, his head jerking to the side. “Lori, I’m going to come. If youdon’t stop, I’m going to—” His words broke off in a guttural exclamation as shesqueezed his balls again.
She knew he wastrying to warn her, in case she wanted to make further use of his erection. Butthat was nonsense. Of course, she wanted him to come. So she sucked as hard asshe could, fondling his sac one more time.
His body pulsedas a choked sound escaped his lips. Prepared in advance, she listened carefullyto hear the words, but he’d fully stifled whatever it was he said, biting hisbottom lip so hard it whitened.
Then thetension in his body shattered beneath her. His hips gave a few clumsy jerksagainst her mouth and his free hand groped frantically on the mattress besidehim. With a series of thick gasps and exhalations, he rode out the spasms ofhis climax. She could feel his cock pulse in her mouth.
The condomprevented her from having to swallow his semen, but it felt like he’d releasedinside her just the same.
She finally lethis cock slip from her lips and she sat on her knees, staring at his flushed,damp face.
Lori wasgasping just as desperately as Ander was.
His climaxseemed to have wiped him out. His body had softened so completely he lookedlimp and boneless. Feeling a swell of both pride and tenderness, she carefullyremoved the condom and tied it off so he wouldn’t have to get up right away.
She managed tostand and walk to the bathroom to throw it away. She stared into the mirror fora moment and processed her appearance. Her cheeks were just as red as Ander’s.Her nipples were standing out visibly through her lacy chemise. And, every timeshe moved, she was conscious of her hot, wet arousal.
But she’dwanted Ander to come just now more than she’d wanted to herself.
When shereturned, Ander was still sprawled out on the bed. But he turned his headtoward her as she approached. “Thanks,” he said hoarsely, “You didn’t have totake care of the condom.”
“Why not?” sheasked with a shrug, climbing back onto the bed. She slanted him an anxiouslook. “Did I do all right for my first time?”
Ander choked ona laugh. Then another one. For a minute, his whole body shook with helpless,ironic laughter.
Lori frowned athim. “I know I didn’t dothatbad.”
“Lori,” Andergasped, “Are you blind? You saw the way I came. You really need to ask if youdid all right?”
“Oh.” Shesquirmed a little, in pleased embarrassment. “Well, I didn’t know. I mean,maybe I did a bad job but you came just to boost my confidence.”
He shook hishead, looking strangely tired. “You really think I’m that good an actor?”
“Aren’t you?”
Lori’s bellytwisted again with that same jittery emotion, and she lay down next to Ander,turning on her side so she could look at him.
She didn’t knowwhat to say so she just remained quiet. Ander’s breathing was leveling off now,but his body looked loose and relaxed. Absolutely sated. She’d done that tohim.
She hadn’texpected Ander to react the way he had to her blow job. She hadn’t expected tofeel the way she did about his reaction. She hadn’t expected to be so turned onafterwards. And she hadn’t expected to experience this chaotic churning ofemotions—confusion, pride, pleasure, embarrassment, discomfort, and bone-deepfear.
Suddenly, herswirling emotions became so intense she wasn’t sure she could handle them.Since looking at Ander had intensified them, she turned over onto her otherside so she was facing away from him.
Trying to talkherself out her foolishness, she breathed deeply and sorted through herconfusion.
Before she hada chance to figure anything else, Ander’s voice came from behind her. “Lori?What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” Shewas pleased when her voice was mostly natural.
Evidently, Anderdidn’t believe her. She heard a rustle of the bedding as he moved closer toher. Then she felt his warm hand on her bare shoulder. “Lori? Did you not likeit after all?”
His voice heldjust a hint of hesitance, and it made her turn her head back to look at himover her shoulder. He’d propped himself up on one arm, and his gaze was soberand intent.
“Lori,” heprompted softly. “You need to tell me if there was something about what happenedthat made you uncomfortable.”