Page 69 of Escorted

Lori snickeredat his choice of words. And then she inhaled a long, shuddering breath. Shetook his cock in her hands and stroked it for a minute, running her fingers upand down the shaft and then twirling the tip a little.

She liked howhe sucked in his breath very slightly at her touch. And how she could feel hiserection twitch and harden under her fingers.

Since he wasplenty erect already, she opened the condom packet and carefully rolled it on.He’d always taken care of the condoms before, so she made sure she got it onsecurely and didn’t nick it with her fingernails.

Then sheadjusted her body on the bed, leaning over so her face was hovering above hispelvis. She held his cock upright with her hands and experimentally licked aline in a circle near the top of his shaft.

She heard Ander’sbreath hitch, and she smacked her mouth around the taste of the condom. Itwasn’t great, but it wasn’t terribly unpleasant. She imagined it would bebetter without a condom at all, but that was out of the question, of course.

Looking back upat Ander’s face, she saw his handsome features tense and unreadable. Again, shewondered what he was thinking. Whether he really wanted her to do this to him.

She wonderedwhether it would please him. Shewantedto please him. The way he’dalways pleased her.

She took abreath and then licked his cock again, this time going from the bottom to thetop. Then she took the head in her mouth and started to suck.

On the firsthollowing of her cheeks, Ander gasped and his hands shifted slightly on thebed. Assuming this meant he liked it, she took more of him in her mouth andsucked again.

It felt likehis cock was pulsing, even through the latex of the condom, and the moresuction she applied, the tenser his body became.

She knew therewas more she should do as part of a blow job, and she tried to focus herscattered thoughts on the scenes she’d read in books for something to add tothe sucking. Landing on a couple of ideas, even through the blurred excitementof her mind, she wrapped one hand around the bottom half of his shaft and usedthe other to stroke one of his thighs.

She had alittle trouble coordinating the squeezing with the sucking. She fumbled aroundfor a minute before she let his cock slip from her mouth.

Her eyes met Ander’s.She sensed rather than saw a tension coiled tightly beneath the surface of hisexpression, of his body. But he’d been as good as his word. He hadn’t moved atall.

“Aren’t yougoing to help me?” she asked thickly. Only then did she realize that she wasaroused as well. Her nipples were tight beneath the red lace of her chemise andshe was already wet between her legs.

“Of course,” hemurmured, his voice unusually low and textured. He moved one hand to the backof her head. “But you were doing great.”

She wrapped herhand more firmly around the base of his erection and lowered her mouth again,taking as much of him in as she comfortably could. She started to suck again,and this time Ander applied gentle pressure, guiding the bobbing of her headand helping to create a pleasing rhythm.

His hand curvedaround the back of her skull, his fingers tangled in her hair, and the pressurefelt reassuring rather than bossy. She hollowed out her cheeks to the tempo ofhis soft urging, and her motion became more confident as she progressed.

With her freehand, she caressed up his thigh and then dipped it below her face so she couldfind his balls. She cupped him, feeling him gently. Then she applied a littlepressure.

Ander gruntedand his pelvis twitched up just a little. It startled her momentarily but shemanaged not to fall out of rhythm.

She trusted Ander.He was skillful and considerate. He knew this was her first time, and he’dnever let her down before. He wasn’t going to try to fuck her throat.

She shifted herhips restlessly, more aroused now than ever as she processed Ander’s reactionsto her ministrations. She intensified her rhythm and felt his body tighten evenmore.

Using her thumbto stroke his sac, squeezed the base of his cock and bobbed her head. Ander’sfree hand had started to fumble around in the bedding, and his head jerkeduneasily on the pillow.

She hummedaround his hard flesh at these signs of how she was pleasing him.

It felt so goodto please him. Better than anything.

“Lori,” Andersaid thickly, his body so tense now he was almost shaking.

She hummedagain as she worked over his cock as best she could, adjusting her body to getbetter leverage.

Ander’s handtightened at the back of her head, fisting in her hair until he made himselfloosen it again. “Lori.” His head was propped up slightly, and his eyes neverleft the sight of her mouth around his cock.

Humming outanother response, she felt her intimate muscles clenching instinctively, as ifshe were trying to pull him inside her.

“Lori!” Anderrasped, his back arching slightly as he visibly fought to keep himself still.Both of her hands had tightened with her clench of arousal, squeezing his cockand his balls simultaneously.

Her mouthworked ceaselessly. She’d generated a lot of saliva, and the flavor of thecondom was dissipating. But at this point she was too into the moment to care.While it was a little sloppy and inexperienced, her blow job appeared to behaving a good effect.