Page 62 of Escorted

After alingering kiss, Ander reared up on his arms and began to thrust. She alwaysliked it when they got going and he started to do things on his own, withoutalways getting her go-ahead first. That way, she could enjoy the experiencewithout all the responsibility of decision-making.

Once he’d builtup a pleasing rhythm, Ander adjusted to put more weight on his knees. Then hepushed her legs forward toward her chest, bending them up as he went. The moveallowed him to sink deeper into her body, and they both groaned at theresulting sensations.

Lori’s body wasso sensitized that she was pretty sure she could come without stimulation toher clit. She tried to rock her body with Ander’s motion, and she hummed outsilly, stifled sounds with their rhythm—something like “Mm hmm, mm hmm.”

Ander’s facewas flushed and tense above her, and his eyes seemed to devour her as he fuckedher fast and hard.

She jerked herhead to the side as she came, writhing as the pleasure sliced through her.

Ander gruntedand kept pushing into her tightened channel. He braced himself on straightenedarms, and the damp skin of his face and shoulders glistened in the sun-filledroom.

She kept herhead turned and her eyes squeezed shut as the penetration of his cock felt evenrawer and more intense after her orgasm. She panted against the bedding andfelt another orgasm coalesce.

“Lori.” Ander’sthick voice spoke, not far from her ear. He was still pumping into her, hisstrokes shorter and faster.

“Mm hmm,” shewhimpered, groping blindly until she found his shoulders to hold onto.


She liked howhe said her name. It pushed her even closer to climax. Her body was starting toshake uncontrollably.

“Lori,” Anderrasped again, the pumping of his hips almost wild. This time she realized itwasn’t an expression of passion. He was trying to get her attention.

She managed toopen her eyes, although her vision was blurred. She blinked up at him and sawthat his features were twisted with effort and concentration.

“Yes, damn it.Come!” she choked out, digging her fingernails into the back of his neck as thecoiled pressure inside her reached its breaking point.

She feltsomething unleash inside of Ander. She was too overwhelmed to identify the exactsigns, but she recognized the way he let himself go. His rutting became almostfrantic and a blaze ignited in his eyes.

That was all ittook for Lori to come. She arched up and sobbed in stifled gasps of pleasure asher body convulsed. And her clenching channel must have pulled Ander intoclimax as well.

His hips jerkedclumsily a few time and he choked out an incoherent word. Then she felt hisbody pulse as he found his release on the heels of hers.

He lowered hisweight on hers for a few moments, and she felt him panting against her neck.

Then,impulsively, she turned her head slightly until her lips brushed against his.

He kissed herback. It wasn’t a deep or focused kiss, but she liked how their lips clungtogether.

But then he waspulling himself up and sliding his cock out of her body. He headed to thebathroom like usual, and Lori heard the water as he washed up.

She released along sigh, deciding that this was a pretty good way to spend a lazy afternoonin Québec. Then, realizing she was completely naked and not under the covers,she looked around for something to put on.

Her eyes landedon Ander’s t-shirt and she actually bent down to pick it up off the floor. But,as she stared down at it, she decided against it. It would be unnaturallyintimate for her to wear his shirt, no matter how cozy it might be.

She dropped itagain, and then she gasped when she saw that Ander was standing across the roomnear the bathroom, watching her.

“Sorry,” shesaid, feeling herself flush hotly. “Just looking for something to wear.”

“You can wearmy shirt if you want,” he said, his face showing no expression.

“Nah. Justbring me something from my suitcase, will you?”

He brought overher lavender cashmere chemise, and she pulled it on while he put on his boxers.

Then he gotinto bed beside her and stretched out. “You came, didn’t you?” he asked, almostdiffidently.

Lori’s mouthfell open. “Uh, yeah. Twice. Couldn’t you tell?”