Page 99 of Escorted

Ander’s rhythmfaltered and he blinked at her dazedly. She could tell from the tension in hisfeatures that he was getting to the end of his control.

That only madeit better.

“Aren’t yougoing to lose it?” she asked, breathlessly but with a characteristic tartness.“I thought this was what you liked the most.”

She tapped herfingers some more for good measure, even though she was pretty sure she wasgoing to come with just a little more stimulation.

Ander’s facetransformed with enlightenment and his elbows buckled. He shook against her,gasping out his amusement as his hips moved in delicious, involuntary thrusts.

It was sogood—and so full of memories—that Lori whimpered in pleasure, her orgasmstarting to tighten.

“Fuck, Lori,” Andergasped, his body still shaking helplessly. He seemed to be laughing and makinglove to her at the same time. “You’re incredible.”

“You too—” Lori’sspine arched as her climax crested, spasms of sensation pulsing in rich tremorsthrough her body. “Oh Ander! Oh yes!”

Ander let outan uncontrolled exclamation and started rutting for real, pushing against thecontractions of her orgasm as he built up to his own release. “Lori,” hegrunted, sounding primitive as he ducked his head, clearly on the edge of hiscontrol. “Lori, baby.”

Lori gaspedfrantically as she started to come down, loving the feel of his wild abandon. “Ander,”she breathed, giving into the irresistible urge to dig her fingernails into theback of his head.

Ander made aburst of noise as he froze on the cusp of his climax, his features twistingwith leashed pleasure.

Then his pelvisjerked and twitched against hers and he rolled his hips with the flood ofsensations. He ducked his head down as his cock pulsed inside her. “Love you,love you, love you, love you, love you.”

The words weremumbled, torn out of him without conscious thought, and released with the lastof his breath. They washed over Lori, filling her with a satisfaction she’dnever experienced before.

It all felt sonatural--even the repetition making them seem that much more real--that it tookher a minute to process what he’d said. His body was softening above her andshe’d just about caught her breath when realization caught up to her.

She stiffenedbeneath him. “What?”

“That’s whatyou call sex,” Ander murmured fondly, kissing the spot on the dip of hershoulder that he’d bitten earlier. “I thought I’d taught you that a year ago.”

Lori stifledthe urge to laugh at his wit. He must not have realized she’d heard him thistime. But she had. He hadn’t been able to restrain himself as well as usual,and she’d come down enough to register the words.

“That’s whatyou say when you come?” she asked threadily. “Love you?”

Now Anderstiffened.

“That’s whatyou say?” she demanded, grabbing his face to look him in the eye.

After a tensepause, Ander’s expression relaxed. “That’s what I saidthistime.”

She glared athim suspiciously. “And all those other times you wouldn’t tell me?”

“Justnonsense,” he said, with impressive plausibility. “I told you not to pay anyattention.”

Her heartbeatas wild as the feelings in her heart, Lori begged, “Ander, tell me the truth.You love me?”

His mouthtwisted but he didn’t look away this time. “Yes. Didn’t you know that?”

“Well, Ithought probably ...” She swallowed. “But you hadn’t said it before. You reallyburst out with the words when you come?”

“Is somethingwrong with that?”

She snickered.“Certainly not. I just didn’t think you’d be so clichéd.” Before he couldbristle, she said, “I love you too. You know that, right?”

Something deepand warm ignited in his eyes. “I thought you probably did. Why else would youhook up with your gigolo?”

Laughing, shepulled him down into a hug. She just reveled in sappy feelings for a minutebefore a spark of curiosity prompted her to ask, “But really, Ander. Is thatwhat you said when you came? All the time?” Her voice broke on the possibility.