“I’m notuncomfortable,” she began. At his look of obvious skepticism, she hurried on,“I mean, I liked it. I really did. It’s just that I didn’t...I didn’t expect ...”She trailed off, realizing there was absolutely no way for her to tell him thewhole truth.
“What didn’tyou expect?” His face had become oddly still, in the unsettling way itsometimes did.
She found theleast disturbing part of her feelings to admit to him. “I didn’t expect to getso turned on by doing that.” She blushed a little, even though her admissiondidn’t come close to the true nature of her reactions.
Ander’s facerelaxed. He gave her a smile that was almost naughty. His hand moved from hershoulder and stroked down her bare arm. “Well, that’s definitely not aproblem,” he murmured.
She smiledback, feeling better now that the mood between them was more familiar. Shestraightened her head, no longer looking back toward Ander. And she let himsettle himself behind her, pressing the lean lines of his body against her backand stroking her breasts, belly and hips with one skillful hand.
After just aminute, she was breathless with arousal again and wriggling back against Anderas he gently fondled her nipples. “Oh, God, Ander,” she gasped, “I want you somuch.”
She felt a newsensation then against her bottom. After a moment, she realized what it was. Hewas growing erect again—far more quickly than she had expected.
“Already?” sheasked, looking at him over her shoulder and shamelessly rubbing her bottomagainst the hard length poking into her from behind.
Ander made aguttural moan in response to her squirming and he lowered his mouth to thehollow of her throat, mouthing her skin and nipping a little.
Then, withstrong, gentle hands, he turned her over onto her stomach and started gatheringher chemise into his hands so he could pull it off over her head.
She let himundress her, loving the feel of his weight on top of her, the way it pushed herinto the mattress. She groaned in helpless pleasure as he squeezed the flesh ofher ass and mouthed the nape of her neck.
He reached overfor a condom from the nightstand and quickly rolled it on. Then he raised herhips, sank two fingers inside her to test her readiness and, finding hersopping wet, aligned his cock at her entrance and then eased into her frombehind.
She let out along, wet sigh, enjoying both the feel of his body and the way he wasn’t makingher handle all of the decisions. She braced herself on folded arms and bumpedher bottom back against his groin.
He grunted atthe impact, but then he followed her silent urging and began to thrust.
Lori wasincredibly aroused, and the fast, pleasing rhythm he developed sent jolt afterjolt of sensation to a quickly building orgasm at her center. She huffed ateach of his deep strokes, and her body instinctively followed the tempo,eagerly rocking back against him to intensify the sensations.
Pretty soon,the feelings inside of Lori became so intense that she couldn’t remain quiet.She started to make little grunts on each of his in-strokes, and then thegrunts transformed into breathless exclamations.
“Good, Lori. Sogood,” Ander gritted out, his thick voice proving he was already pretty fargone, despite his earlier climax. His speed had accelerated, and his fingersdug into the flesh of her ass, guiding her frantic motion. “Come for me.”
She was alreadyclose. So close she sweated as waves of heat slammed into her. Her breathlessexclamations turned to sobbing sounds. “Coming,” she choked, “Yes, Ander! Gonnacome.”
Then she didcome, hiding her face in the pillow as she screamed out the intense spasms ofpleasure. Ander made a strangled sound as he kept thrusting against herclenching channel.
Before Lori wasthrough riding out her first orgasm, she felt another one swell up on itsheels. Her whole body shook frantically, her breasts and the flesh of her assand thighs jiggling with her shameless motion. And she came again. Hard.
This time, shedidn’t have time to hide her face in the pillow so her cry of release was loudand naked.
“Oh fuck!” Andergasped, his hips pistoning wildly against her ass. Then he choked out somethingshe was too overwhelmed to hear properly.
He came. Shefelt his body shuddering behind her, felt his cock pulsing in her tightened channel,felt his fingers grip her body so desperately they would leave bruises.
Lori waspanting hoarsely as her body slumped forward. Ander fell with her, and for amoment his hot, sated weight rested on top of her again. He panted too. On eachexhale, he made a sound like a moan.
And Lori wouldbe perfectly happy for them never to move from this position, from thisvisceral satisfaction.
But he didmove. Without speaking, Ander eased his softening cock out of her wet passageand heaved himself up off the bed.
He walkedsilently to the bathroom. She heard the water run in the sink. And she didn’thear it go off.
After a minute,a jolt of sharp curiosity propelled Lori out of her sated stupor. She climbedoff the bed and hurried over toward the bathroom, determined to find out what Anderdid in there when he took extra time.
The door washalfway opened, so she could peer in. Ander stood in front of the sink full ofrunning water. Ander was leaning over, bracing himself with both hands on thecounter. His shoulders were slumped, his eyes closed, and his head bent. Hisface and head were streaming wet, from where he’d evidently splashed water onhis face.
And he appearedto be taking deep breaths.