Page 51 of Last Round

“Killian? No way.”

“You don’t know my brother,” I grumble.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Shit.” I almost drop the phone at the sudden noise. “There’s someone at the door.” I approach it cautiously.Who’d be knocking this late?“Is it you?”

“No… Molly, don’t answer it.”

“I need to see who it is.”

“No, you don’t. You need to grab a weapon and call the police. This is how all horror movies start.”

“Seriously?” My heart races. Except the source of my fear isn’t the same as Bex’s. Last time I was home alone and there was an unexpected knock at the door, it was two officers looking to pick me up and bring me to the hospital.

What if something happened to Sean? To Killian?

“Molly, don’t,” she begs me again.

“I’m not stupid. I’ll look through the peephole first.”

“Don’t hang up,” she orders. “I already have 9-1-1 dialed. Just scream and I’ll call them.”

I take a deep, steadying breath. Reason with myself that the chance of someone in uniform on the other side of the door to give me horrific news is slim to none. Still, my hands shake as I rise to my tiptoes and peek out of the small glass hole.

“Goodnight, Bex,” I rush out. I can’t get off the phone soon enough.

“Who is it?” Her question is laced with panic.

“Don’t worry. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“You’re not in danger?”

“Everything is fine, Bex.” More than fine.

“I want details.” She chuckles.

The call hardly disconnects when I rip open the door. “What are you doing here?”

His eyes rake up and down the length of my body. “We didn’t have dessert. Perfect dates end with dessert, right?” Killian asks, holding up a bag with what looks like a couple of cartons of ice cream. This late, he must have grabbed them from the twenty-four-hour gas station down the street.

“Only the best of the best dates do.” I step aside so he can enter. “I thought you went home?”

Killian scratches the back of his head. “I didn’t want to. The farther I got, the more I hated it. Especially thinking about you being here all alone. Sean really needs to update his security system.”

“What security system?” My brother doesn’t even have one of those doorbell cameras.

“My point exactly.”

Usually, I’d roll my eyes. However, tonight, his insane paranoia is beneficial. “So, you came to my house, in the middle of the night, just to eat ice cream and watch a movie? Nothing more than that?” When he left earlier, he was obnoxiously adamant that he had to leave. Repeating how he wouldn’t be able to control himself—not that I wanted him to—but it seemed very important to him.

A fire sparks in his gaze as he steps closer. “Yup.” He bites his lip.

“Ice cream, movie, and personal security guard?”

Killian smiles and dangles the bag in front of my face.

“I can live with that.”