Page 66 of Last Round

“Does Sean know?” he asks, his jaw clenched.

“No, he knew I was seeing someone. But the topic of me and dating was always awkward with my brother, so I didn’t say much. Besides, when I was dating him, he was going by AJ. He didn’t start calling himselfTonyuntil his manager advised him that his name wasn’t catchy enough.” Even if you were to go back to old pictures of us as a couple, before he became the fighter he is now, you wouldn’t recognize him. His new persona is only one of the things that led to the inevitable end of our relationship. Still, it’s why I assume Sean didn’t put two and two together. And because no one mentioned this new fighter by name to me,not that I asked, I wasn’t prepared.

“Fucking Sean,” Killian grumbles as he tugs me against his chest again.

“What?” I know he’s mad—hell, I am too—but my brother didn’t know.

“Your brother has our dicks in a vise.”

“What do you mean?”

“He signed a contract with Gideon.” I cringe at the mention of the name. “If we cancel, not only do we have to pay back the advance, but there is also some extra hidden fee bullshit. The gym’s been in the red since we opened. I’ve been floating it with my own savings. Sean is right. We need to start turning a profit to keep this place running, because eventually my funds will go dry. But I know these types of guys. If we cancel, we’ll be out more than money. Our reputation will be on the line too.”

“Gideon will smear your names and any fighters you work with.” I pause, coming to the same conclusion as Killian. “Especially Luke’s.”

“You know Gideon?”

“Unfortunately, our paths crossed when I was dating Tony.”

Killian mumbles a string of curses under his breath, ones I don’t even think are English. “At least it’s only for a few months,” he says after a long pause. “When his match is over, if I don’t renew the contract, he’s gone.”

Hearing how much is on the line, that Tony is here to stay—at least for the time being—causes a dark storm cloud to rumble in the back of my mind. All I can hope for is that he’ll be gone soon and without incident. And that confiding in Killian was enough to heal whatever fissures I caused between us. I’d love nothing more than to witness Killian beat Tony’s ass, show him what a real fighter is made of. But I’d hate myself if I hurt Killian more than I already have. The last thing I want is formydrama to hurt his business—his reputation.

“Are we okay?” I ask, holding my breath.

“Of course.” The hard expression Killian had moments ago vanishes as he looks down at me. “Shit, I was worried that you were done with me.”

“I’ll never be done with you.” I lean up on my tippy-toes to press my lips to his.

Arm around my waist, he lifts me, turns us, and sets me down on the desk. Our innocent kiss quickly evolves into heavy petting as our tongues become entwined. It’s way too hot in here and we’re wearing far too many clothes.

“Come stay with me tonight,” he demands between panted breaths.

“Okay,” I respond without hesitation as I rock into his firm length.

A timer goes off, and Killian reluctantly pulls away. “I need to get back out to the gym.” He grinds his molars. “I have to trainIl Douche.” He kisses me again but doesn’t linger. “Go home, pack your bag.” His smile grows mischievous. “Maybe a few of your vibratingfriends. I’ll be wrapped up here in a couple of hours.”

“A few?” I ask teasingly.

“All,” he clarifies. “Bring all of yourfriendswith you. I think it’s time we all got to know each other really.”Kiss.“Really.”Kiss. “Well.”



“What’sthis?”Mollyasks,as she enters the apartment and drops off a duffle bag by the door. My dick perks up, curious to know what goodies she brought us.

“Dinner,” I point out the obvious. A decision I’m very much regretting while I struggle with my hard-on. Clearly, I had a momentary lapse in judgment when I thought I had enough self-restraint to not only cook dinner but eat it…before I eat her.

Molly approaches me from behind, wrapping her arms around my waist as I try my damnedest to remain focused on cooking. “Smells delicious.”

Fuck it.Worst case, I’ll order takeout.

I turn on the spot, pick her up, and set her ass on the counter. “You seem to have forgotten I know how to cook,” I say while my hands explore the curves of her body.

She smiles. “Given the constant take out and empty fridge, yes, it slipped my mind that you possessed culinary skills beyond slicing citrus and drinking your beer smoothies.”

Molly squeals as I pinch her side. “Thosesmoothieshave a ton of protein.”