“Will do. I love Dash, but I’m ready to enjoy the honeymoon period without him right outside our bedroom.”

I return to the bed and scoop her up into my arms. “Did I mention that I love how intelligent you are?”

“So I’m intelligent when I’m agreeing with you?”

“Of course.” My lips twitch as she bats my shoulder with her hand. Then I add, “And when you disagree with me and all the times in between.”

“That’s better.” She presses a kiss to my cheek.

We clean up in the small bathing room, using cleaning cloths. Selena smiles over her shoulder at me as I rub the magical fabric across her back. “This is nice, but you’ve got to take me to the communal baths.”

My lips pull back from my teeth in a silent snarl. To think, only a few weeks ago, I brawled with Krivoth over the fact that he didn’t want any of the rest of us to see his bride naked. Yet here I stand, hypocrite that I am, feeling exactly the same.

“We’ll use the private pool,” she says. “The other women told me about it.”

Possessiveness eased, I keep washing her back, my hand lingering on the plump swell of her buttocks.

She laughs, turning to take the cleaning cloth from me. “Why don’t we each wash ourselves? Otherwise, we’ll never make it to the meeting on time.”

I pull her to me for a quick kiss. “Damned right we wouldn’t.”

Her laughter plucks out the thread of my own, our combined joy a harmony of happiness and delight.



Both Bella and Dash wait for us outside our cottage, but I only have eyes for Wranth. Or more accurately, for the small paper cup he holds out to me. “Olivia said you’d—”

“Yep. Thanks.” I snatch the Cuban espresso from his hands, groaning as the first bite of sugary caffeine hits my tongue.

Sturrm stares at me with a puzzled frown as he uses his magic to shorten the length of the stirrups on Dash’s saddle.

I grin up at him and give a little shrug. “Welcome to mycaffeine addiction.”

When I finish the tiny shot of rocket fuel, Sturrm lifts me onto Dash’s back, the stirrups exactly the right length for my legs. He waits for me to find my seat, his strong hand lingering on my lower back for a few extra seconds. “No trotting, just walking.” His voice sounds grumpy, but I know it’s because he’s worried.

“Just walking,” I promise. Then I pat Dash’s neck. “Okay, let’s do this.”

I’d told Sturrm during breakfast that I wanted to learn how to ride so I could do so on my own, and here he is, already making it happen.

“Yes, I like this,” Dash says. “All of the healing magic, none of the weight.”

“Humph,” Bella says. “Just you wait. When I’m bigger,I’llbe able to carry an orc easily.”

“I didn’t say I couldn’t carry an orc.Clearly, I can carry one.” Dash rolls his eyes. “I said I prefer not to.”

I chuckle as we take off, heading out of the village, Bella staying by our side so she can continue bickering with Dash.

It leaves Sturrm and Wranth walking together behind us, and I’m glad. The king arriving means Wranth will leave with him to take up his position in the guard again. The friends deserve a little time to talk.

We move past the wide rounded trunks of the heart tree cottages and follow a trail through a pine forest full of ferns and moss. Bright-yellow birds flit from tree to tree, singing happy morning songs, echoing the joy that still fills me from the night before.

By the time we reach the clearing holding the cleaning stone, I even feel a bit steadier on Dash’s back. Sturrm stillcomes forward to lift me down, and I don’t mind one bit. I sure don’t need to try to dismount for the first time in front of a king!

He stands beside Dravarr and Ashley, an imposing orc about the same age as Sturrm, which surprises me. I don’t know why I was picturing someone in his sixties. Besides being younger than I imagined, King Aldronn also looks more like a soldier than I ever expected of royalty, his wide shoulders tapering to a trim waist, the sword at his hip looking well-used instead of ornamental.

He clasps forearms with Sturrm. “It’s good to see you again. Is this your moon bound bride?”