“It is.” Sturrm pulls me forward. “King Aldronn, I present to you Selena Flores. She’s a healer.”
“Your majesty,” I say. Ay! I forgot to ask about the etiquette of meeting fae royalty. Am I supposed to curtsy or something? But no one else is, so I don’t try.
“A healer. That’s wonderful.” The king studies me with sharp eyes. “And you can heal anything?”
“As far as I’m aware.”
“She even healed us of deathsleep,” Sturrm says, his voice brimming with pride.
“Then I may send patients to you.”
“I look forward to helping anyone I can,” I say.
“Thank you, both,” King Aldronn says. “You’ve done everyone a great service by retrieving the crystals.”
“My king.” Sturrm dips his head.
“Yes,” Sheevora booms. “How is the antidote going?”
“It goes well,” Dravarr says. “My herbalist is already at work on the first batch, using the instructions you provided.”
I don’t interrupt to say I’ve been helping Gerna. I like her no-nonsense attitude a lot. Gerna doesn’t take any shit, a mindset she acquired by nursing stubborn orcs. “Be warned,” she told me. “Orc men make theworstpatients.” I try to picture what Sturrm would be like if ordered to bed rest for a week. Unimaginable! Thankfully, my magic heals so quickly he should never need much nursing.
Nope, the only reasons for my husband to remain in bed are all naughty ones. I grin.
Sturrm and I recount our travels for all of the newcomers. Besides the orc king, there are several unknown unicorns, a wolf, and a smoky gray cat the size of a leopard but with long hair like I’ve never seen on one of the big cats of Earth. The cat gives me a too-wide grin and almost disappears from view for a few seconds, popping back into solidity with a mischievous sparkle in their green eyes.
When we finish, Sheevora says, “Now that we’ll have the antidote to the deathsleep for everyone, it will only make the soul stealers grow even more desperate.”
“I agree,” King Aldronn says. “It feels like they’re building to something.”
“They continue to attack the cu sith,” the wolf says in a deep voice. “But the carnival ride Grace made to protect our main den still keeps them at bay.”
“Bah,” the cat spits, the voice a smooth soprano. “You’ve only driven them our way. They attempted to attack the cat sith only last week.”
“Oh, no!” Ashley gasps. “Is everyone okay?”
The cat grins, showing way too many teeth. “We led them on a merry chase, hopping back and forth from the shadow roads to Alarria until they gave up.”
I tug Sturrm down to me to whisper in his ear. “What are the shadow roads?”
“An in-between place, somewhat like where Dash took us when he used his travel magic.”
“I am glad you and your kin are well,” Sheevora says. “But I predict the sluagh will only try to find a new target.”
“We’ve warned all our allies,” the orc king says. “And we will rally to any who need help. The soul stealers will not win.” His voice rings with power and steady assurance, and the meeting breaks up not long after.
I say a quick goodbye to Wranth, then go over to stand with Ashley, letting Sturrm get a moment alone with his friend.
They do a quick guy-hug, full of slaps on the back, and then Wranth mounts one of the unknown white unicorns and rides out ahead of his king.
When Sturrm returns to my side, I quietly ask, “You okay?”
“I am.” He smiles down at me, and Dravarr calls out and waves to him to come discuss something with the wolf. My husband strides over, welcomed by the warlord, and I see Sturrm’s shoulders ease.
Happiness fills me. Ay! He’s going to be okay.
Bella stays with Sheevora and Drake, having a little family reunion before their mother leaves for the mountains.