“Mine is better at shaping than preservation spells, but other leather workers have the knack.”
I finger the buttery leather of my jacket. “Well, I’m glad for what your magic can do. I love my jacket. And the fact that you were able to make yourself pants after I…” I wave a hand at his legs. As much as I love seeing him naked, riding and fighting that way can’t be comfortable—way too much stuff bouncing around, what with as well hung as he is. Carajo, can’t let that dick get hurt. I have plans for it. Big plans.
He grunts.
When he stands, he designates one of the unused side tunnels as the bathroom, hands me the cleaning cloth, and stands facing the cavern, his big body blocking anyone’s view.
It’s so thoughtful and sweet and another example of how he anticipates what will make me more comfortable. Does he have any idea how special that is? How rare?
As soon as I’ve done my business, I return to the main cavern. Besides being beautiful, all the stalagmites have an added bonus. They cover so much of the room we’re left with only one clear spotto make a bed.
I sprawl across the furs, my fingers digging into their lush softness. A girl could get used to this. When Sturrm doesn’t join me, I twist to look at him. “What are you doing?”
“I need to stand guard.” He sits leaning against one of the sloping columns in a way that looks seriously uncomfortable.
“Mierda, don’t be ridiculous.” I wave my hand at the chaos that surrounds us. Bella sits in one of the other clear areas, and Dash lies across the room. In between all of us swirl a moving tumble of gnomes. They’re still celebrating, drinking something that smells of alcohol from tiny toadstool cups. “This cavern is full of fae. Do you really think anything can sneak up on us with all of them around? Besides, if you rest, you’ll be better prepared to fight any enemies we run into tomorrow.”
As I expected, that argument works. Sturrm’s protective nature kicks in, and he takes off his sword to lie down beside me.
And if, over the course of that first hour, I curl into his side and throw an arm over him to hold him close all night? Well, that’s simply me moving in my sleep. Obviously. Nothing more. Promise.
Selena presses to my side, her small arm clutching me so tightly I am completely undone. I should move, get away from this sweetest of tortures.
I do not.
I revel in her touch like the greedy man I am, pulling her warmth into my tattered soul.
She sleeps peacefully, undisturbed by nightmares, and I like to imagine it’s my presence keeping them away, my arms protecting her from all that wishes her harm.
For all her admonitions that I rest, I dare not sleep, unwilling to waste a single moment of holdingher. If the gnomes speak true, we will find the crystals on the morrow. I am immensely grateful that Selena’s aid of them offers us a way to find the antidote we need to keep the sluagh from harming the other human witches. It is yet another thing I can thank her for.
That and pulling me away from the brink of despair. She was right, my clever girl, so very, very right. Giving up is the only true failure.
Yet a successful quest also means returning to Moon Blade Village, where I must deliver Selena unto her intended.
Conflicting desires tear at me, eating away at the scraps of nobility I cling to after decades of service to my people. At my most honest, I can admit that I did such service out of a need to atone for my past failure as much as a desire to serve. Until Selena, I was never able to admit that to myself. But is that… all right? Does it matter to the people I savedwhyI saved them? Doesn’t the good of the deed rest in their lives lived, happy and whole?
Bah! Life was simpler without the vexing questions that plague me now that Selena has me looking at myself and how I see the world. Simpler yet also emptier.
I pull Selena closer, burying my nose in her hair until her scent fills my very being.
For one long, glorious night, I allow myself to touch the sun, even if losing her later will burn my heart to ash.
Morning comes with the annoyingly cheerful chatter of far too many gnomes.
Selena murmurs a sleepy protest and shoves her face into my shoulder. I cup a hand over her exposed ear, buying her a few more moments of peace.
Across the room, Dash grumbles, “By the goddess, someone make it stop.” Not one for mornings, this unicorn.
“We brought everyone breakfast,” an overly cheerful voice announces.
“Cave fish!” Bellavesaria says. “My favorite.” She makes an eager gulping noise as she scoops up one of the fish and raises her head, tipping it back and bobbing it so her meal travels down her long neck.
When a gnome tries to offer the unicorn one of the fish, he says, “Get that away from me. Do I look like a kelpie?”