The dragon cocks her head. “You do have their general shape. You’re both equine fae, after all.”

“I do not,” he mutters. “And it was a rhetorical question. Ree-tor-ick-call. Look it up.”

A chuckle rumbles through my chest, and Selena stirs against me. I remove my hand from her ear to find her blinking up at me sleepily. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Don’t be. I love hearing you laugh.”

She offers me a small, sweet smile that pierces my heart and makes my breath hitch. By the goddess, Selena’s all that’s good in my world.

With a tumbling roll, the head gnome stands beside us, a pure-white fish stretched across his palms. “Breakfast?”

“Um.” Selena shoves upright. “Is that raw? I’m not much for sue-she in the morning, thanks.”

I frown. What does litigation have to do with fish?

“We have mushrooms.” He gestures, and several more gnomes whirl over to us, each holding a different type of mushroom.

I eye them carefully. Even though I know all the flora of the forest, none of these look familiar. “Are any of these poisonous?”

“We wouldn’t dare!” He rears back, then his expression goes sly. “Although this one causes wild visions.” He points to a wide purple cap spotted with bright-green dots. “Very enjoyable.”

“We’ll pass on that one,” I say. “But we thank you for the rest.”

Selena sets her hand on my forearm, her tone concerned. “I still don’t like raw fish.”

“I have an idea.”

Getting up, I find a flat rock and wipe it with the cleaning cloth. Then I prepare two of the fish, offering the dragon the guts, which she slurps up with relish. I spread the fillets on the stone, ring them with the safe mushrooms, and gesture to it. “Bellavesaria, if you would do the honors.”

“If you have enough control, that is.” Dash looks up from where he’s eating a pile of safe mushrooms.

“I’ll show you control.” The dragon youngling brings her face close to the stone, and a small stream of fire pours out. She swings her head from side to side, searing the food evenly. “See?”

“Humph.” The unicorn goes back to eating.

“You have excellent control. Thank you.” I sprinkle everything with salt and herbs and bring the warm stone platter over to Selena.

“Breakfast in bed, cave-camping style.” She beams up at me. “I love it.”

We eat with our hands. The mushrooms are tender and meaty, and the top of the fish has a crackly crust that parts on tender white meat, mild and succulent.

Selena moans happily around a bite. “My god, how do you cook so well like this? I can’t wait to see what you do with a real kitchen.”

“Ah, there you have me.” My lips twitch. “I’m horrible in an actual kitchen. All those pots and pans? An oven that holds a consistent temperature?” I shudder in mock terror. “No, thank you.”

Her laughter is music to my soul, and I eat the rest of breakfast basking in the warmth of her happiness.

Goddess, I want this to never end.



We walk and walk, until I feel the hum of my magic running through me, healing me constantly. Mierda, it’s not like we’re running or anything. It’s almost embarrassing that I can’t walk very far, considering my young age and general good health. Clearly, I’ve spent too much time sitting in classes or studying, too much time standing at the clinic, and not enough time walking. Ironic. You’d think as a med student I’d be more aware of the need for exercise. Doctor, heal thyself, and all that mierda.

It’s not as if I didn’t sleep well the night before. In fact, it’s the first time in a long time I didn’t have the dream aboutPapi. I woke feeling more well rested than I’ve felt in years. And safe, so safe. I’m in a strange new world full of magical creatures, some of whom want to hurt me, but in Sturrm’s arms, I feel the safest I’ve ever been.

The next time we take a break, I brush my hand carefully across Sturrm’s arm. A tiny current of my magic flashes through him, reporting back… nothing. There’s not a single thing to heal. He’s in such good shape that all of this walking hasn’t done even the tiniest bit of damage. Damn, that’s hot.