“No!” Selena and Dash say it at the same time as me.
“But I can help!” She shifts her wings in agitation. “I can!”
“You stay out here with me,” Dash says. “Another sluagh could come at any time, and you’re our best deterrent.”
“I am, aren’t I?” The feathery crest on top of her head stands up.
Dash turns to Selena and me and rolls his eyes, muttering, “You owe me.” Then he turns back to the dragon, voice raised to normal volume. “You certainly are.”
“I will stand guard.” A puff of smoke trickles from Bellavesaria’s mouth. “I will burn any soul stealers who dare come near.”
“Good,” I grunt, turning toward the cave.
“Take your things.” Dash’s hoof taps my pack with a laughing whinny. “Cave explorationneeds furs.” There’s that innuendo again.
I stomp back and scoop my packs off the ground, unwilling to admit he’s right—taking my supplies will only make Selena more comfortable, which she well deserves.
Selena hovers by the entrance to the cave, which is a good eight-feet high and twice as wide. The gray stone of the rock face is smooth all around the edge, and her fingers trail over the rounded lip. “I think this might have been a lava tube at some point. Are these mountains still volcanically active?”
“They’ve been dormant for the three hundred years orcs have been in Alarria.” I pull out a glow stone.
“Then they can be dormant for a bit longer.” She grins and hooks her hand into my elbow. “Let’s go explore.”
Her enthusiasm pulls me forward far more than the gentle pressure of her small human muscles tugging on my arm. I strike the glow stone to life and lift it with my free hand as we step inside.
The first cave is a wide but shallow room carved out of the gray stone. Dirt softens the floor, along with a layer of dried rowan leaves carried in by the wind. A tunnel leads from the back right corner, and without even needing to discuss it, we keep going.
The short passage opens onto a deeper cavern with three tunnels radiating off it.
“Which do we try first?” Selena asks, enthusiasm brightening her tone.
“I want to try something,” I say. “Trust me?”
Such a simple word, yet coming from her, it makes my heart leap. She knows how I failed all those long years ago, yet there isn’t the slightest bit of hesitation in her answer.
I strike the glow stone, halting its magic and plunging us into darkness. My eyes adjust quickly, my keen fae night sight kicking in and showing what I hoped to see.
It takes a little longer for Selena, but her surprised gasp lets me know the moment she spots it. “My god, that one’s glowing! Is it the crystals?”
The opening of the tunnel on the right does indeed glow.
“I don’t know. Shall we go see?”
“Yes!” Her tug on my arm makes me smile, her enthusiasm infectious. Will she bring that same enthusiasm into bed? That will prove quite the heady experience.
It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this excited about anything. Battle always gets my blood up and makes me feel alive, but not like this. This is… a softer anticipation, more positive. It feels good.
Especially when added to the promise I saw in her eyes, the lick of her lips when she saw me naked. My cock stirs at the memory, rising for her now exactly as it had then.
The glow ahead does little to light the tunnel. Even though I can see, Selena stumbles a little at an unexpected unevenness in the ground. I unhook her hand from myelbow and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her firmly to my side. “I’ll guide you.”
The happiness in her voice makes my fingers tighten on her. She’s so warm, so full of life I never want to let go.
We round a gentle curve, and a cavern opens up ahead.